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Discussion in 'As We Begin Our Journey Together' started by Daniel~, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    It is ignorance it self, not to share knowledge
  2. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I like to think that I'm happy to share knowledge. Long ago someone important in my life told me that I should become a teacher.
    Seemed right to me.

    I can remember many times in my life coming across people that were reluctant to share their knowledge. Annoying they were.
  3. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Those who closely guard their knowledge
    seldom have anything of use. if they had, they would know to share only increases knowledge
  4. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Wonder if wisdom is more important than knowledge? Seems like that's true quite often.
  5. Kaitain

    Kaitain Active Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    A happy life requires effort, knowledge and patience. By gaining and sharing knowledge, you are better able to apply your effort in the correct way. By applying effort, you achieve satisfaction, and by practicing patience, you understand that the results of your effort may take time to become manifest.

    A lottery win is easily spent, where a well-invested pension fund may last a lifetime. A bodybuilder doesn't develop a statuesque figure overnight (even if they choose the impatient route of artificial steroids), and a successful Linux installation isn't a matter of a couple of button clicks.

    Mint may give you a desktop, but for a happy life...

    emerge -aDv @world

  6. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    "There is no happiness in Samsara". ":O}
    Samsara is the realm of intelligent beings in Buddistic thought.

    I paraphrase Marcus Areilous: (SP?)

    If one sets aside all personal preference and bias;
    turning steadfastly away from the common pleasures
    and focuses ones mind upon the proper performance of duty
    So that at any time of day or night one stands ready to answer duties call to it's
    Then no man can put shame upon you. Nor can any in this way surpass you.

    For there is no higher station in life than this
    "To see our duty done until our end.
    For in duty done we come to completion and meet our natural end.

    Kinda unfair of me to pounce on what is said in jest.
    What can I say? You triggered my fake Guru response! LOL

    Hows the family doing K.?
  7. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    "Fake guru response." You read it here first ladies and gentlemen. Me SO bad.
  8. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Just so I spelled it right!! LOL
  9. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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  10. Kaitain

    Kaitain Active Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    Not a problem - I was trying hard to paraphrase Aristotle, despite my never having actually read Nicomachean Ethics... or any Aristotle, or, to be fair, any philosophy whatsoever.

    The Gentoo Handbook is just more useful, wouldn't you agree? ;)

    Getting older by the day. I got back home just in time to celebrate son-the-second's ninth birthday, meanwhile enjoying the calm before the storm with son-the-first, before puberty changes him from an articulate and witty young human into an incorrigible little shit for a few years.
  11. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I was still picturing him crawling across the floor to reach daddy.

    Oh Dude your going to get old so fast!! LOL

    Tomorrow they both will want keys to your car!
    I always asked when there was no one home to say no.
    Worst thing, for you that is, I was never caught! Just something you can think about while boarding your next jet to your river of money so you can bring home a bucket or two to live on.

    Aristotle is a complete waste of time. Sure he outlined the sciences . But he was pissed at Alexander for not enslaving the world.

    "Most men are born slaves."

    By which he meant anyone not Greek or Macedonian,

    Plato on the other hand advanced Socratic method.
    All we know of Socrates we know from Plato.

    "All of Western philosophy is but a footnote to Plato."

    Socrates was REALLY out there!

    At 65 he could walk the very rough streets of Athens
    completely unafraid. No one screwed with him.

    Once he was reported as having stood barefoot in the snow working out a thought problem.
    After three days and nights his face was said to have brighten and he walked home.

    I soon tired of most of western thought. I wanted to explore the Mystery and they just wanted to solve it. But I took this turn quite young in life. So most or western thought still lies unexplored by me.

    I spent a few years studying the Zen folks, liked most of what I came across.

    But by the time I was 18 I was wedded to the I Ching.

    By the time I was 35 I entered into a retreat (isolation,seclusion).
    And dedicated my self to learning and attempting to embody those teachings.

    The first two decades were a season in hell. Everything I wanted to do, there I was standing in my way!!Were the Oracle's patience less than endless I would have been dumped and sent on my way.

    One thing to grasp truth
    Altogether different undertaking to embody that truth.
    As I'm sure you learned from The Gentoo Handbook. ":O}

    This is what I learned!
    summed up not by the I Ching
    But by Kierkegaard A Christian.

    "Purity of heart is to will one thing."
    Is to always will the good.

    Any who wish to can progress and grow in wisdom
    by aligning themselves with this great truth.

    "Purity of heart is to will one thing."

    'I'm sure you marked this passage with a turned down page in your hand book.":O}

    I miss you Kaitain. No one has ever ragged on my ass quite as well as you do.":O}
  12. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    When I was fortunate in the extreme to meet Kaitain many years ago he struck me as a very intelligent person, far smarter than myself. And it is true, he is. The only way this lucky accident came to be was thanks to Daniel~! His party to celebrate the founding of The Alliance of Overclocking Arts brought many people together from near and far. England was at least 5000 miles away, a distance that requires a lot of uncomfortable hours on an aeroplane. Don't know if I'm old enough to spell airplane that way. Probably not.

    If we had beaten Anand Lal Shimpi of Anandtech and later Apple(which phoned me four times today and twice left phone mail--and I've NEVER had an Apple product to my name, ever) to the punch AOA would most likely be a large concern today.) That most likely doesn't concern Daniel~ very much, he was never in the game to become rich. Great thanks to Daniel! And a big thank you to Kaitain! Not to mention all the other very intelligent people here at GOL! Wish I was one of them. Oh well!
  13. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    If your smart enough to want to be one of us...You already are.":O }
  14. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Garshk, you made my day.
  15. Kaitain

    Kaitain Active Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    That... still happens sometimes. When he's pretending to be a cat, or a guinea pig, or robot overlord or something. Being 9 is great!

    My prematurely greying hair agrees :(

    Ah mate, it's been ages since you've had a new car, I see.

    They come with telemetry now! I have an app on my phone, I can track my car's statistics (tyre pressure, oil, fuel, coolant level, brake pad condition etc.) and its location in realtime. I can set alerts so that if the car's status changes it calls me, and geofences so that if it leaves a certain area, it calls me. If an offspring wants to borrow my car... I'll know. And be able to shut it off, remotely 3:)

    And yet... he's not wrong. Invisible chains made of $-shaped links are still chains.

    I'm only a few years past 35, and just about feel like I'm starting to hit my stride. 35 just seems so early to disengage from the world. Would you, in retrospect, have done it again, or waited a couple of decades for time to temper the soul?

    Kierkegaard nibbled at the edges of humanism, but was too much a Christian to explore that arm of his philosophy too deeply. I think it's a problem in people who have been raised too strictly in a particular religion that they find it deeply uncomfortable to place themselves outside the philosophical scaffolding provided by that religion. It's as though their own personality is defined by the faith and any deviation is as difficult to manage as imagining one's own non-existence. Anyway, he touched on a lot of truth, and I do like that quote.

    I just wish he'd been braver.
  16. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Kierkegaard was a deeply conflicted man. He saw clearly what most try very hard not to see at all. His father was a minister and rather highly placed in the Church.

    He loved these men and saw their worth. But was stricken by the corruption they had allowed to grow.

    He waited many years before he published for them to pass in order not to wound those who had raised him.

    Yes he might have been braver.

    But when it comes to putting together a Christian universe, I believe him to be unsurpassed.

    I have not Identified as Christian since I was 17. But I spent a fair amount of time many years ago with Kierkegaard, none of it wasted.

    I doubt I would have ever grasped "Purity" and what it might do for one with out him.
    It's rather a foundational concept for all my own explorations into what is.

    My teacher once put it like this:
    "God don't accept no part time lovers."

    Same goes for the universe as a whole.
    If your born a Cheetah then your 1000% Cheetah
    without tears.":O}

    While writing this I've been mulling over your question concerning my retreat.

    I would and am doing everything I can to never have to do this again! LOL

    Without retreating from the social world I think it would be very difficult
    to really grasp how far from anything real mankind has gone.

    No, that should have been how far from anything real I as a personality had grown.

    I suffered for decades because I would not give up on the life I had convinced myself I wanted for the life I would come to know I needed.

    But bear in mind I was armed with the I-Ching and I wasn't afraid to abuse it!
    (That fear would come later once I came to understand the hearts and minds of the Holy Sages.)

    For 40 years I have been told to wait. When it comes to advancing a student progress there are few things that can drive him inwards like BOREDOM.

    I was bored to death ten thousand times.
    I was bored with me
    Bored with my situation.
    Bored with everything I thought I knew

    Bored with having nothing to do..just wait..

    So I waited like a spoiled baby whining all the time.
    Complain complain complain.

    I had Zero desire to create. I lived a l;loveless life.

    The Ching kept telling me that it was storing up energy within me.
    To hang in there help was coming...

    But it never came. For more than Thirty years I got nowhere.
    Until something began of it's own volition to sink in, or rather to rise into my consciousnesses.

    There was nowhere to go. So time was not needed to get there. So no need to count the minutes
    No need to wait for summer. A new power had arisen within me.

    ME! I came to know that nothing within myself was as powerful as I!

    If I do not rule chaos ensues. If I rule well all beings within my realm can be made to prosper.

    I believed from the beginning that I was pursuing my duty in retreating.

    That retreat was also a recognition that I no longer shared in common the common values.

    "He does not serve kings and princes,
    but set himself higher goals.

    He works not for one time or one place
    but for all times and all places

    by setting incomparable values for the future."

    By emulating the sages of the past I have made of myself a man for the future.
    A man of the Now.

    So what took so long. Two things:
    2. Obscurations

    No one likes to think of them selves as being at the end of the line. Especially if the line has formed in front of spiritual advancement.
    All I would let myself see is that I was doing nothing, I would not allow me to see that nothing was just the thing I needed to stop my world. To silence my opinions and let the air settle.

    Obsucuratios are those things you just cannot see even when every one around you does.
    Everyone has them even if they are obscured from seeing they have them.":O}

    So would I do it again? I would hate to have to on one level but on another I see I'll never have to.
    The joy now is part of the pain then. Now I wait in peace as long as I can do so I will never go back to where I still am.":O}

    Waiting is.
    Waiting is becoming
    Waiting is who you are
    when waiting has done it's work.

    Waiting brings you into the now.

    So yes I would not welcome it but I would wait until I did.
    I would do it a thousand times over
    for this was mine to do. ":O}

    So now I don't speak any English just American without tears.":O}

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