Trading Games?

Humble Looks like they keep your key until you claim it on for instance Steam. So it won't matter if Humble Bundle list it forever if anyone claims it on Steam or even Origin. Hmmm. More on that later....
So the easist thing to do is trade unused key for key.
Steam it seems is only trade able if the key is unclaimed. So no used games. That is the way I read it.
dem, I don't know how it works yet. It was an inspiration I had. I think it will work out.
So, booman pick what you want. Half Life will work for me.
Only one way to find out...
Tropico 3 looks pretty cool
What is your steam account?
Dang, how about Patrician IV? Are you willing to part with that one?
sweet, its a deal. You want Half-Life 2 correct?
When I get home I'll see if I can gift it to you.
Then download and test it to make sure its the actual game.
Roland, when I add your B57Canberra in Steam it results in jg9440
Is that you?
Looks like we are already friends on Steam.... who knew?