George! It just occurred to me that we were given an easy ride into the now.
Fall in love with your world. Your world doesn't have to be perfect, love embraces imperfections often finding in them clear points of endearment. Or imperfection can draw us in by way of compassion, we come to understand we do not ever suffer alone.
You don't have to be perfect.Yet Love in the now is the fulfillment of each moment. The achievement of life's highest purpose. Sacrificial love, love that yearns to give.
So why not begin where we wish to end? Fall in love with your world and you will not find it hard to stay in the moment you've come to cherish.
Where else can we hope to perfect our loving, free it of doubt and hesitation
so it may jump the bones of the now and prepare us to stand and deliver.
Fall in love with your world. Your world doesn't have to be perfect, love embraces imperfections often finding in them clear points of endearment. Or imperfection can draw us in by way of compassion, we come to understand we do not ever suffer alone.
You don't have to be perfect.Yet Love in the now is the fulfillment of each moment. The achievement of life's highest purpose. Sacrificial love, love that yearns to give.
So why not begin where we wish to end? Fall in love with your world and you will not find it hard to stay in the moment you've come to cherish.
Where else can we hope to perfect our loving, free it of doubt and hesitation
so it may jump the bones of the now and prepare us to stand and deliver.