Surely not...

That so many Amuricans agree with Trump on anything is very unsettling. I must ask myself if I believe in this country anymore. Perhaps 58% belief. We are in serious trouble, fer goodness sake he just barred credentialed journalists from WH press conferences.

Outlook bleak. Air quality acceptable. (Stolen from the mast head of National Lampoon.)

Take heart, they are supremely stupid That's what it takes for a life long criminal to demand the world shine a light on him.No matter what happens Trummy has jail time waiting for him...big time.
Take heart, they are supremely stupid That's what it takes for a life long criminal to demand the world shine a light on him.No matter what happens Trummy has jail time waiting for him...big time.

It's plain awful that anyone or anything is permitted to be SO harmful. You'd think there was a law. Oh wait, there is. But it is unenforced because of the Dump's cheer leaders in politician land and media. What media I have to ask myself? Why crooked media aiding and abetting a crook.