Stellar Overload Kickstarter

Stellar Overload is now on Kickstarter!
$15 will get you a digital copy of the game.

10,357 backers
$310,708 pledged of $250,000 goal

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You might be on to something...
So what could be a new name or acronym for RPG's that is all about story, dialog and making decisions?
That is a good question, but I'm not sure how to answer it. It would require some clever word to go with RPG, but English is not my first language.

This may be a bit long, but maybe something like, "Interactive Story RPG", or shortened, "IR RPG".
yeah, that interesting....
I think some key words are:
  • Story
  • Decisions
  • Feedom
  • Roles
  • Development
  • Actions
Update on the game. I just read on their forums that a Linux version is planned despite not reaching the stretch goal for it, it is just not a priority.
Stellar Overload finally released on Steam. It is still in beta, but I can play it now even though I didn't pay for alpha/beta access when I funded it.

I'm loving it as well...

There is apparently a local multi-player mode too. I tested it offline, but it looks like you have to be online and purchased two different copies of the game.