Glad to see your still kicking as well! Lifes been good so far, got divorced , kids are grown and employed. Just kinda doing whatever I feel like these days. Still playing video games, but not so much on linux Hadn't really thought about AOA in a while till my email stopped working so I went investigating and wound up here!
Yeah, we had to move servers, and AOA has been dead for a while now. The move involved some house-keeping that had been long-neglected. I didn't really want to shut AOA down (lots of good memories there) but it was time to put the old lady to rest, so I set up a redirect to GOL, hoping that maybe SOMEONE might get the hint. Your e-mail SHOULD be working now. If it isn't, hit me up in PM and I'll see what we need to do.
Saw doc (not my surgeon) Basically she there to approve my scrips and answer what ever questions I might have. I learned from her that this an"IT OVER By a long shot. surgeon decide my bod was stressing to much to try and correct every thing thats going wrong with my heart and circulatory system so more surge\ry at some imknown date. feeling better