I'd be a lot happier if the news was simply written by actual journalists. I mean those who have bothered to look up the word journal in a dictionary!
Just give me a record of the facts about what happened today. I don't want their personal views or opinions.
I can't help but think the news was better when printing was expensive and newspapers were only 1 or 2 pages. They had to keep stories short, and so there wasn't room for opinions.
You listed three news outlets, all of them tv news.
Sometimes it's easy to hate a news source that gives you news you dislike.
When access to this kind of news becomes extinct what will be the point of reading any of it? At all?
Freedom of Speech is nearly extinct. This includes Freedom of the Press. Another civil right that's actually named in the Constitution. I object, your honor.
I see the problem now. We live in different worlds.
You seem to think that news is something only a few can properly report on. I do not. Stay away from Fox news and you can get fairly reliable reporting anywhere...that is if uses professional reporters and editors.
So like when are we going to arrested for speaking our minds?
We won't be because OBVIOUSLY Freedom of speech is alive and well.
So what you gained from my stating a broad range of news sources is that I pick and choose my news to suit my own bias? But your rejection of TV news is well founded because they always lie?
Web news forever because they have freedom of speech so cruelly denied to all others?
To my mind this is not making sense .I'm not in the market for web news. And Once you slap your Christian Logo on a site fair and accurate can no longer be assumed.
After all Christian, Muslum news and Jewish news are always reliable as their news comes straight from god and God has sanctified all their reports.
You can't claim to be news while showing a bias towards religion great enough to put it on your front page.
The ONLY one I know of to pull this off is The Christian Science Monitor Who employees Pros.
The only time web news is accurate is when it come from the API. Unless they are professional. Unless they do their own research conduct interviews, supply verified documentation.
And George, TV news is and has been an acceptable way to gather news since around 1950.
As you point out it's really easy to avoid news you don't like I have some for you!
Web news is no more and often far less reliable than TV news. The news is no one's special friend.
You either tell the truth or your propaganda.
Believe who you like, believe what you like. But the air of superiority does not suit you.
I listed 5 I could have listed 8. But it seemed irrelevant to do so.
So OK show me where your better informed than we low life TV news folk?
Show me a difference that actuality makes a difference.