Skyrim Issues


I have the same error as Xion except I have no clue what I am suposed to do to fix it. I am assuming it is a .Net error but I still have no clue how to fix it. I had installed steam through winetricks on it's 32 bit version, as every single person in any guide I have ever seen has done, everything loaded, good, first time it has ever run and not shat itself, good, takes for ever to click buttons but I can click them, yay?, get skyrim installed, yay, BOOM nope. Crash. Since I am not doing this through playonlinux I have no clue how to switch drivers about. I have tried usingplayonlinux before and it would NEVER EVER WORK. So, if anyone could give a hand and help me out, I will forever be in your debt.
After a bit of work I got it to properly run on PlayOnLinux, though I still have no change. I tried with another game and it said exactly what needs to be installed into wine as is so that helps. I'll see if that helps but I doubt it will. We'll see though.
Welcome to the forums Aremis.
Xionwalker got it working by installing the proprietary video drivers in Ubuntu 14.04

What video card/chip are you using on your computer (Intel, AMD, Nvidia)?
Try searching for "additional drivers" in Ubuntu Apps and then select the proprietary driver to be installed.
Stable preferred.
Let it install and then reboot.
I have an AMD 6450M. It's actually an APU so it isn't a separate card.

The first time I tried proprietary drivers the install killed itself so I did a recovery and reinstalled everything. Now the driver works but every game I try to play normally crashes or has lag up the bum (example tf2 always has slow drag like it's server lag or connection lag.)

I actually HAVE skyrim running, but again it is SO SLOW it's unplayable. I did it through PlayOnLinux this time but it is so slow I can't make it run at a playable speed. The mouse isn't centered to where it clicks and I get stuck in menus. I also can't walk but I can look around. At least it works so that's something. One step closer to being linux independant.

But at this point I still have no clue what to do. I have followed so many guides it's ridiculous.
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm guessing it is the AMD drivers causing a lot of your problems.
The AMD 6450M is equivalent to Intel HD 4000 but the Intel drivers are better.
One thing I have read over and over is that the AMD drivers are poor quality and unpredictable.
Nvidia has been able to keep things running very smoothly.
I have a desktop and a GeForce 550 Ti, its rare when I have a driver or performance issue.

It sucks for AMD gamers because in Windows those games should run fine.
Normally when someone wants to try moving from Windows to Linux, they find an old laptop or desktop and give Linux a try.
Linux can run fine on older hardware and newer hardware, but Games really run GREAT on Newer hardware and Nvidia video cards.

So the best way to give Linux a chance is to build a computer with plans to use Linux for games.
The only counter to that is that I have been able to actually get it to run. I have seen others with the same chip and they can't get skyrim to RENDER anything. All they get is a skybox. Now being that I have gotten it to work this is a good thing to start with. Since most of the games I play are windows bound I am hell bent to make this work. I have preferred linux over everything, absolutely everything else. I can't stand windows, mac osx makes me feel retarded, and BSD is for servers.

If anything I would need some help with doing this. I guess I could go on IRC and put out an open app for it but I would love it if I could get help. I guess I'll just leave it open to people here.

This is a really stupid question BUT would a virtual machine do any better :I

If anything I am just going to partition off 60 GB and install 7 or something and just do all the other games on linux. I can get Deus Ex to run happily as well as everything else. Even fable and assasins creed. Skyrim is the ONE that is grumpy. The ONLY ONE. Such a gigantic pain in the ass.
You may have to dual-boot for now. AMD drivers are a "waiting game" because who knows when they will patch or update Linux compatibility. Not to mention that this is Linux and Wine compatibility. Intel, AMD and Nvidia will not fix anything Wine related because its just a wrapper acting like Windows.

My main Linux machine is dual boot with Windows 7. There are a few games that I tried in Linux and they ran, but the performance and eye-candy is much better in Windows. Like Borderlands 2 and Alan Wake.
I havn't tried them with newer versions of Wine, but they had a few small issues that were annoying.

Using Wine as a Windows wrapping is an on-going trial-n-error because we never seem to get 100% success.
But, you can see from our 100 guides that there is a lot of success with Wine!
click my "Tested Games List" in my signature and you will see all the games Daerandin and I have testing in Linux.
I forgot to answer your last question...
I have not tried virtualization for games yet, because I have read and experienced how slow virtualization can be when all the hardware layers are virtualized.
Wine is really the best way because its a layer or wrapper, but works directly with your hardware. No virtualization needed.
You will always get better performance from Wine.
Stupid question because I am a professional idiot, is there any way that I could sort of uncompile a game and recompile it for linux?

Stupid question but I might as well ask.

I prefer to keep to linux because of all this NSA bullshit. I can't trust microsoft.
I think maybe for now I will go back to windows 7 / Netrunner half and half. It'll be annoying as all hell but at least it'll BE SOMETHING. I liked 7. Since it is coming from dreamspark I will hope nothing will have been done to it.
I have no idea if a game can be "decompiled" but normally developers will use source code to port their game to Linux.
GOG on the other hand needs to ask for source code from publishers/developers in order to offer Linux compatible games. Otherwise, they will probably use a Wine "wrapper" instead. As you can see on our forum, Wine works really well with many PC games.

Where the heck did you find that video? I watching it now and may post it later in the forum.

If you are very new to Linux, its a good idea to keep "trialing" it one day at a time. Keep using Windows for games, and take some time going through a few guides for games that you own.
Feel free to suggest a game we have not already posted a guide for...

I love what you said about NSA! Anything Windows is at higher risk of getting spyware, malware, viruses and threats. There are also risks in Linux, but not so much because hackers are not targeting it as much.
But, as more people start using Linux there is a chance more threats will appear. Mac doesn't get a lot of threats, but DOES get them.

I have decided to slowly move from Windows because of the cost and I have found Linux gives a lot more freedom to do what I want with my Operating System. In Windows, if you want a tweak or program to change something, it always costs money.

I don't mind paying for games and productivity programs for Linux, but I love the capabilities, and freedom to tweak and utilize it the way I want. Now that more and more games are working, its a No Brainer for me!
That's a funny joke, me being new to linux. Let me get this on the board that I don't put up with anything. I worked with my high school tech dept. just to learn the machines so I could rootkit them. Put a micro image of linux in the northbridge and holding space would go to grub, effectively making the machine that was supposed to be a server level workstation as stupid as a thin client. I know my way around, so no worries there. THough that's on the hacking plane. It wasn't until recently I wanted to game with my machine. THIS stuff I am new to. Also, I found that on google x3.
Nice, so you know Linux just fine. That definitely gives you an advantage!
I'm not so much the Terminal, hacker, guru, programmer. I'm just an enthusiast that works in the IT field and loves games.
If it weren't for games, I would have never started learning about computers.
Once again, thanks to games, I'm learning a lot about Linux as well.
Another qveschun. IF I were to use just flat arsed ubuntu, installed the graphics driver (which was just updated 3 times in one day), and just, I dunno, DID SOMETHING towards doing skyrim, would it be, mmmm, possible?

I really have no clue :D
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking...
Are you saying to use Ubuntu and install proprietary drivers, then update them?
There is a chance Ubuntu won't install the newest drivers for AMD cards. so you could manually install them yourself.
This might help, or you can install older drivers.
At this point its really trial-n-error process until AMD fixes their drivers.