ShadowRun Return ?

Looks awesome awesome awesome!
I saw Shadowrun before and definitely bookmarked it.
Looks like a D&D in the future...
I'm not a huge fan of turn-based fighting, but sometimes it works ok. Usually it gets a little boring.
I love this kind of games, it reminds me baldurs gate or fallout ;)

I'll probably buy it once it will be release on linux. I'm also following the future shadowrun online and Cyberpunk.

It reminds me my college role playing games !
Oh yeah, I love the graphical style too and the free-roam. Does it look like open-world or linear?
I never played RPG board games, but I remember friends doing it in our dorm.
Those were just too slow for me because I grew up with video games. Once I played Doom and Heretic, I was hooked!
I always played video games (starting a battery powered PONG-like, then with used VCS atari 2600 and sega master system), but I'm a tabletop player too. I used to play wargames and RPGs when I was in high school and college. Now, I mostly only paint and sculpt miniatures and buy rulebooks with nice artworks in it, I don't play that much. But that's definitly something I'm hooked for life.
Very nice! Its rare to find someone who still paints miniatures and plays war games.
My stepfather actually does it a lot. He has whole historical battalions with to-scale structures and buildings.
They have a dedicated room in the house just for war games. He painted and constructed them all. I keep telling him we should take pictures and catagorize all of them.

I also have a friend who paints miniatures for fun... but thats all.