I just read an article on games.on.net about Portal being ported natively to Linux. If you don't know... Portal is made with the same Steam engine all the rest of the Half-Life games are made on: Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2 So this is a nice addition to the list of Steam games. Unfortunately I think its still beta because Portal doesn't appear in the list of Linux Steam games yet. Portal
I just took my first look at Linux Steam in months... Are they kidding me? How do they hope to get anywhere without games people REALLY want? They simply HAVE to improve their library. IMHO
Steam is up to 200 games now. If you launch Steam, the only games you will see are the ones you purchased. I'm going to try Portal over the weekend, its still in beta, but if it runs, I'll be very happy
I don't think many current players in Windows will have the slightest interest in the games they are offering... One measure of their lack of success...is pricing... while cheap is always good... I didn’t see any titles over 20 bucks. I didn't see much of anything new enough to be worth more than that. They NEED to be able to port brand new Direct x 10 and 11 games to make this really work for the gaming community. The bar is still way to low to do that. POL still off a far BETTER selection.
I'm happy to post that Valve is doing a great job with porting their games to Native Linux. I tried all three of the following games and they ran GREAT: Portal Counter-Strike: Source Half-Life 2: Deathmatch