AMD FX 4300 quad black AMD Phenom IIx4 965Dang, well what hardware do you have?
Linux does a great job supporting just about any hardware out-of-the-box. I've never had to install any drivers like you do with Windows. its GREAT!
Can you list both machines?
Sorry Cloasters but I bailed on Mint. I did an fresh install of win 7 and I'm already folding with it.You have enviable hardware, well done! I hope Mint Cinnamon works well for you, sometime in the future(if you're tired of reading Cinnamon the reason I yammer on with it is because it makes your desktop almost look and work like Windows).
"System Monitor" found under the "Start" button then "Administration" helps reveal some important performance values--but it's not really what I think you want. Sorry.