OpenCore Legacy


Somehow this went completely under my radar, but OPCL 1.0.1 has been released.

I have a project I am working on where I basically take milk crates of machines to places, and they sell a laptop for 10 15 20 bucks, and keep the money. The whole point is to just make the ability to have a machine available.

OPCL basically lets you take macs all the way back to 07, when they started to matter basically, and run mOS Ventura. This is NUTS because I've been dealing with a piece of garbage X79 machine that I want to throw out, and this legitimately makes that possible.

On hand, I have a Mac Pro 3,1, a Macbook Pro (2013, idk what one idrc), a Macbook 2,1 and 4,1, and some powerpc macs. The only mac I refuse to do anything to other than repair is an iMac 1,1. Its near pristine and has the launch day install on it, I refuse to do anything other than swap the lcd.

With OPCL, not only can I get crates of macbooks, 11inch airs and 09/10 pro's (the literal cheapest machines available), I can get them almost free, and absolutely pump machines out for people.

I can actually use my mac pro that still has value to me (64GB of ram, its a really hard bargain for me), and my macbook will have something to run that makes some sort of sense.

Really I'm just excited, but I'm goig to post what I find and what I do here when I get to it later today / tomorrow.
I haven't gotten around to trying this yet. I think my Mac pro will run linux as I no longer have any AMD GPU's. But, I can run ventura on my macbook pro and try that out. I don't know that I care too much if its runs like shit, I mostly just wanna see whats in the OS.