Hey Chris, on another note, I've been removing a lot of new users the past couple of weeks, all clearly spam emails and junk email addresses, etc.
Sometimes I'm removing as many as 40 or 50 a day. Today we've got 184, and there is no way I can see to remove them 'en masse' in the admin interface without clicking on the correct radio buttons over and over. It's really time-consuming. Do you know a faster way to do this?
I'm also trying to ban the IPs as well, a lot of the time all the new users in one day originate from the same IP. However, banning the IP doesn't remove the user. I wish there were a way to do this faster, I'm spending a lot of time on it.
On the new user page of the interface, the default is to take no action on the new users. Ideally, this should be set to 'reject'; then I can reject all of them with one click, after accepting any that appear to be real.
Is there a way to change those defaults on the new user page to 'reject', and remove the email notification as well [untick that box]?