Lutris For Warframe


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
I've tried at least 4 different times to download Warframe and play it through PlayOnLinux. Each time it fails. I can download the entire game and launch, but something always goes wrong.
I've tried the Steam version and the website client, but still No Go.

There are a lot of posts on Reddit about Warframe on how to install and update and fix the bugs, but I just can't get it to work.

My daughter and I have played through Borderlands twice and need a new co-operative game. I'm getting desperate here, so I'm going to give Lutris a try.

I'll post my results here. he he
The first thing I noticed about Lutris is that you can't just download a .deb file and install it with the GUI package installer.
You have to use the Terminal and run some pre-requisite commands first.
Then install with apt

Easy for me, but harder for gamers coming from Windows.
Lutris isn't all that different from PlayOnLinux


This is your game browser and you can go directly to their website to install a game via script.
You can also click the + to install a game manually
Started poking around Lutris this morning trying to run Warframe and ABZU
Its actually pretty cool. Has almost all the features of PlayOnLinux and more...
You CAN do manual installations for games they do not have a script (cause why would you want to do a manual installation for a scripted installer right?) and you can select Wine version, game executable, wineprefix location, display settings and a lot more.
I still haven't figured out how to install Packages (DLLs, Libraries, Components, over-rides)
I did this one install the Standalone version, make sure your logged in to lutris app on your account and on lutris website, Then hit install. It will do its thing. Don't use the launcher from warframe i think you use script to update the game and play.

NOTE: when you get to installing the game with hes script. it might not finish and you might have to keep trying it keept crashing on me but i kept trying and i waited until it finished and game worked. when the script installes the game it takes long time for me at least becuase my internet isn't thjat fast but if you have really awesome fast internet you shouldn't have problems. otherwise just keep trying the script like i did.

Actually its a bash script to install the game its all in the video my bad. Hope this works out for you if not i will make a guide

here is the guide i followed
I was able to download the entire game, but the launcher never officially appeared after the first launch screen.
I used the Lutris installer which used the "stand-alone" game as well. No Steam.
Yes, the script updated and launched the game, but at some point the initial loading screen should go to a login screen.
I'll keep trying....
after latest update (Mask of the Revenant 23.9 - Hotfix 23.9.1) I got stuck on first loading screen. I'm using lutris (standalone warframe version) with dxvk.