Blessings upon you as well.
I have a bit of a quandary with Blessings. I mean my best intentions go with any blessing I offer...But Metaphysically what am I really doing?
Because something more is going on here, more than my just saying best wishes. I'm asking for something aren't I ?
For something on behalf of another. I'm asking whatever powers that brought us fourth to take a look at you, To help you on your journey.
OK so far so good.
But here's the impedimenta to my understanding.
Does an omni- present and Eternally creating God need me to remind him/her/them of your need?
AM I really asking that he/she lay aside or deviate from his determined course(however he/she arrives at that}, Just mesh the gears of creation so to speak on account of my liking someone?
I confess I have the same difficulty with prayer. How can I pray for anything when I believe he has the whole of worlds in his hands...What would I dare ask him to change...I mean..just for me! LOL
So my prayer life has been reduced to what I'm pretty sure wouldn't destroy the universe if it was granted.":O}
Being on the sheepish side of being a spiritual warrior I play it safe. I ask for nothing.
I give thanks.
Naturally this means you get a rather circumscribed blessing from me.
I dare not ask for anything on your behalf...What if he did it!!!
Who know what horrors might unfold before us!
I give thanks on your behalf.
I'm really trying to keep us out of trouble here!! LOL
I've been troubled by the second half of this post since I hit the post button.
I'm not sure I can quite get at what bothers me about it, but here's my best shot.
Is prayer interactive?
It is my belief that we were given prayer not for God's sake but for our own.
Prayer can and should be introspective. An opportunity to seek out any secret opposition to the will God as shone to us by way of our souls.
They say prayer has the power to help the world...But is it the world that's in need of help?
So I surmise that what's meant is that Prayer has the power to help men and women.
For me, of this there can be no doubt.
But is the benefit to only those who do the praying?
Or is prayer interactive?
Does God respond, is the universe responsive to prayer?
When someone asks God's blessing...What happens then?
It's pretty obvious that if there's a response it is not a direct one.
That is children perish in the mist of our most heartfelt prayers.
I just came to me! ":O}
This is me unwrapping it to see what I got!
If as My teacher asserts:
"All this world is a prayer
weather I pray or no
And the prayer I might have prayed
God heard as knew as though."
Then when we pray we help create the world.
We enter the vibration and sing our own notes.
That we don't direct the out come of our prayers
Is only as it should be. The great maker alone knows what is best
for each of his creations.
But it's just possible that in prayer we add our own note of agreement
To his Great Symphony
and give our enthusiasm to to his Incredible undertaking.
But Is the divine open to our suggestions, our pleas?
Ok, look at me. Now look at the Divine.
To be honest I don't want him taking my suggestions!!
There really IS an infinite gulf between Creator and created.
Between high and low. So in prayer perhaps the best I can do
is ask that I be given a place to serve his will.
And to ask for others, all others, without distinction, the same.
About that infinite gulf there is one thing that can span
the immensity of that gap.
His love for his creation. His love of Mankind.
There are no road maps here, So if we don't go drawing one,
we can never be lost!! ":O}