Installing Mint Uma 2.20


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
This install has been a bit of a unmerry-go-round.
All my troubles stem from the FireFox upgrade that cannot be removed from the 2.20 upgrade.
This was first tried as the upgrade rather than a new install.

Mint says that if you un-install FireFox before up grading you'll be fine. I wasn't fine, I was screwed a half dozen times.Firefox still looked like shit. Everything else is up to Mints usual very high standards.

So after all my efforts and time spent I still can't recommend the upgrade.
As a new install 2,20 is rather spectacular!

If your planning a fresh install I see no reason to hesitate!!
New toys laying about just about everywhere, old has been made easier and bit more intuitive.

I can't show you but some of the browser themes are now animated! I'm watching the cherry blossoms falling, wonderfully beautifully falling,just so pink and cool!
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Wow you get-right-to-it when Mint has a new release!

I just finally got Mint 20.1 and installed on 3 computers. I still have 3 more to do at this point but no rush

I really wish I could recommend another browser, but it really seems like you are "locked in" with Firefox. Which is pretty cool!

Feel free to post on the Mint support website or even Reddit, but it doesn't make sense that your Firefox version is locked to the Mint version... You should be able to install an older version any time you want.

You can install any version of Firefox here:

At your own risk of course!
Fire fox has an upgrade that comes with Mint Uma 20.2
I try every thing I could think of using my back up to restore after each failure.
Mint changed the way we update to a new model, now you can't tell it to not install Fire fox.with the update.
When I do uninstall it and reinstall it it still looks like hell can barely make any thing out.
So I dumped my 20.1 install and began anew. So no complaints from me, for what I payed for it, nobody has ever given me a better deal on anything! ":O)
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If you could but see the Cherry blossoms drifting down like snowflakes you would understand!! ":O)

I still can't unsee the ugliness of Windows 3.0 and it cost me a small fortune !
I prefer a fresh installation anyways. I have done a few upgrades in the past like 19 to 19.1 and then 19.3 but when the next version arrives I'll try and do a fresh install. What sucks for me is 300GB of games to migrate or re-install. Recently I've just purchased a new SSD and keep the old HD and copy/paste my home on to the new drive. That seems to work really well!

I'm glad you keep backups because those are invaluable! Not every Mint is going to be amazing and there will eventually be setbacks, but that is why I wait 6 months to upgrade or install the newest version. Just so they can fix all the bugs.

We are doing really well! I started a work-at-home full-time job in Service Desk and loving it! I'm so done with offices, driving to work, packing lunch, community bathrooms and all the crap that comes with it. Been doing it for 20 years... now I'm home with my wife and kids having a lot of fun!
This makes me happy!

But no mention of Vaccine!
You and yours are much to young to die
Sorry, too controversial... so I didn't want to "go there"
My wife's computer has been running Mint 20.2 since it released. We also just performed an update, not a clean install. Everything has been working fine on her computer ever since the upgrade.

Firefox did change the graphical interface, but I have not been following along with FF myself so I don't know what's going on with it.

Both my wife and I had our first vaccine dose in late July. We are scheduled for the second dose in less than 4 weeks from now.
Sorry, too controversial... so I didn't want to "go there"
Now you've got me worried.
I'm not here to prosecute anyone.
I'm just trying to save all that can be saved.
If you have reservation about the vax, lets talk about it.

If you prefer not to, I;ll do my best to try and understand...and convince you The Vax is safer than covid.

Basically I'd rather loose a friend to argument than to Covid.

Not one person has died by way of vaccine, half a million dead from Covid.

Dude take this to Jesus in prayer.
My wife's computer has been running Mint 20.2 since it released. We also just performed an update, not a clean install. Everything has been working fine on her computer ever since the upgrade.

Firefox did change the graphical interface, but I have not been following along with FF myself so I don't know what's going on with it.

Both my wife and I had our first vaccine dose in late July. We are scheduled for the second dose in less than 4 weeks from now.

I don't know why FF was so screwed up by UMA, But I could not find a better solution to my problems than a fresh install, which did work to correct my troubles.

Very glad you and yours are vaccinated!

Forgive me if I'm preaching to the converted,
But we are seeing massive amounts of breakthrough covid.
So far not killing or hospitalizing folks, but getting bad enough to go for a third shot when available.

Be well, be isolated as you can. I have a terrible premonition that the worst is yet to come. Let us pray that I am wrong and just an old man nurturing his worries.
I don't know why FF was so screwed up by UMA, But I could not find a better solution to my problems than a fresh install, which did work to correct my troubles.

Very glad you and yours are vaccinated!

Forgive me if I'm preaching to the converted,
But we are seeing massive amounts of breakthrough covid.
So far not killing or hospitalizing folks, but getting bad enough to go for a third shot when available.

Be well, be isolated as you can. I have a terrible premonition that the worst is yet to come. Let us pray that I am wrong and just an old man nurturing his worries.

I suppose an upgrade process might struggle with certain customizations made by the user, but I honestly don't have a lot of experience upgrading Mint versions. My wife's been on Mint since 2017 now, that's about it.

Whether or not we can get a third dose depends on what our government decides, but from what I have read it seems very likely that they will open for that once everyone (who wants it) have gotten two doses. We will both get a third dose if it becomes available.

The problem with viruses is that they mutate, and as such it is almost impossible to make a 100% vaccine. Still, any degree of protection is better than none. I don't know what vaccines are available for you in the US, here in Norway we only use Pfizer or Moderna, which are both pretty much equally good and both rated to be over 90% effective against the standard covid once you've had two doses. I suppose that means we will be fine unless someone who is infected spends too much time in too close proximity to us.
Thanks Daerand, lot's of good information!
We have Pfizer and Moderna as well as the J&J
I got the J&J, Booster soon as available.
Yarr, it looks like a third dose of Pfizer will be officially recommenced for phartus oldus folks of 65 or more. Uh oh, that's me.

Quite a few knowledgeable folks are saying that FF is well on the way to the dogs. FF are doing STOOPID things to the browser and making it a piece du merde.

Might be time to drop it rather than struggle with installing it so much. I like or maybe that's liked Firefox a LOT for years but it seems that we don't owe them allegiance after them taking it to hell. It's not there yet but it looks like it will become unusable for reasonable folks soon.
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