Infection: Last Rites - DNA


I saw on GaminOnLinux the announcement of this Horror FPS indie game.
It is still in alpha stage, but according to this test, already worth playing.
Available on Desura for 3.99€, which is 50% off.
Does anybody have any experience with that gaming platform?
Or is it better waiting for the Steam version?
Ooo, a competitor with almost the same name!
Infection looks pretty cool. Unfortunately its only Episode 1.
So its probably a short game and then you have to buy the next episode.
I would rather wait for all the episodes to be available and then buy them all at once.

I have used Desura and it works GREAT.
Fully Linux compatible and totally DRM free.
So if you get Infection on Desura, its available in the game folder and you don't even need to use Desura to launch it.