Hmm? Same can be said on any professional field though... things like that doesn't worry me at all, haha. Thing is, if you go to subreddits like r/programming you just get the idea that developers just dislikes on other developers (
further reading to get a glimpse). In general it is just a means to an end (but then there's the whole code is poetry, let's write passionately, everything must be perfect (I guess they forgot refactoring exists?). Ideally you would love to do everything perfectly with all unicorns and rainbows; after freelancing years ago creating wordpress plugins and fixing php-written portals there's just no time for that.
There's definitely validity in the post you link to. It is frequently the case that devs hate on other devs for no reason other than "you aren't doing it my way". This isn't limited to just devs though; to a certain extent it's prevalent in ANY engineering community.
It's sometimes referred to as NIH ("Not Invented Here") Syndrome.
Case in point: people have been hating on the various iterations of C for DECADES. Yet C++ is still among the top 3 programming languages in use around the world in EVERY survey.
Every year we hear about a new programming language that is going to be "the" language of the future. And every year, C++ is still there.
Mostly, IMO, it's because developers want to work on the 'cool' stuff. Nothing wrong with that; I think we'd all agree that writing the software for the next space shuttle is a helluva lot more sexy than writing the software for the next sewage pump controller.
But we need to learn how to use our tools, and which tools are appropriate for which jobs, rather than trying to make one tool do everything, or creating a new tool every year because the old tools are "just so 5 minutes ago". And honestly, I am just bleedin' tired of having to learn a new programming language every year because it's 'sexy' just so I can get some twit from HR to look at my resume, especially when said programming language is unlikely to be of use NEXT year. There are only so many ways you can make a screwdriver. Everything else is just window dressing.
I used to LOVE writing software, because I was SOLVING PROBLEMS. Now, IF I write software, I'm strangling a political snake while wrangling a tool that doesn't do what I need and beating it into submission because someone who doesn't even understand what I do has decreed that 'this is how it is' based on advice from someone else who thinks "it's sexy". AND THEN, I have to compete with amateurs who ALSO don't understand what I do, but maintain they can do it for 1/2 or 1/3 what I charge.
It's just not worth it to me any more. Maybe I have the wrong attitude, but that's how I feel about it.