[How-To] Install the latest NVIDIA Drivers in Linux Mint 16 (petra)

This is post from my blog: How to install the latest NVIDIA Drivers in Linux Mint 16 "petra"

Hey there, linux users around the world. I'll be writing a little how-to install NVIDIA drivers

Please follow this guide if:
  • You are willing to dirty your hands with the terminal. Ubuntu and its variants (Linux Mint) has done a great job in maintaining the simplicity.
  • You really need the drivers. Some drivers could lead to instability, uninstalling them is an easy task though.
  • You want the latest NVIDIA drivers for Linux, I think that's why you are here. Let's get started
Things you need to know beforehand. If your distro upgrades the kernel or any X.org package there's a high possibility that your drivers might break. This isn't a big issue because you can reinstall them as many time as you want. I always keep a folder of NVIDIA drivers in my home directory. Example:

david@david-desktop:~/NVIDIA > find . -type d

Now, whenever I download the drivers I always make sure to place them driver in different folders because they are easy to access. This is just a suggestion, if you don't want to do it that's your choice.

Anyway, let's go get our stuff ready

Step 1) Download the drivers

Step 2)

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential
sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau nvidia*
sudo update-initramfs -u -k all

Step 3) Logout and switch to a different TTY, press CTRL + ALT + F1 (you can use from F1 to F6 Linux Mint usually uses F8 for the display output).

You'll be in tty1 after you pressed CTRL + ALT + F1

Login with your user and password

Step 3) An important note, at least in my Linux Mint 16 we use MDM which is the Mate Display Manager, the one that handles greetings and let us login into different sessions. What we are going to do is stop it. In an enviroment like Lubuntu where the DM is LightDM then you would say "sudo service lightdm stop"

sudo service mdm stop

Step 4) Go to the directory where you downloaded your drivers

I'm going to use drivers 331.38 in my example, it could be different for you.

Step 5)

chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.38.run
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.38.run

Accept or we won't get anywhere

Continue! (Yes)

Almost done, sir!

Step 6) The installer will ask you if you want to enable DKMS. What DKMS support will do is that every time there's a new kernel update it will automatically build the driver. I haven't tested this feature so I answered in mine no.

Step 7) The installer will ask you if you want to install 32 bit libraries. Say yes unless you want to say good bye to Steam and WINE games. The installer will install it in: /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/

Step 8) The installer will ask you if you want to update X.org configuration. I always choose yes.

Step 9) You are done, reboot and come back here because you aren't done.

Step 10) Once you logged into your machine.

sudo kate /etc/ld.so.conf

Step 11) Add the path /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib at the end of the file

Step 12)

sudo ldconfig -v

Congrats, you are done. Please leave any questions or doubts here. The reason for adding 32 bit libraries of those drivers is because a lot of games and applications like WINE 32bit still uses them. Steam won't "find" OpenGL.so because there's no 32 bit alternative.

Things to know:

  • You don't have to update ldconfig everytime you install the drivers
  • The NVIDIA drivers will usually save your answers for later installations
  • You can uninstall the drivers by saying sudo ./NVIDIA[longname].sh -uninstall
I have done that in the past, but have read that its a bad idea to manually install if you can just use a PPA

I have done over 5-6 manual installations and nothing ever gone wrong. If you know how to revert/uninstall the drivers then you are safe, imho.
sudo apt-get purge nvidia-331
I think that should do it, of course the correct name of the driver would suffice.
Then again, I never had to install video drivers in Mint. So never had to uninstall them either.
I have done that in the past, but have read that its a bad idea to manually install if you can just use a PPA

On my case i update drivers with this mode, first time install drivers on my distribution: Linux Mint KDE 32bits

I use launchpad x edgers for install video drivers first time and make more easy changes specially at begins if you dont have install ppa from x edgers

You must disable noveau but with ppa, this make this changes

After this you can install drivers but with some differences with this guide

For example con my case, i must add word text to grub.cfg** before reboot

**for edit this file need root permisions for edit, on my case since dolphin file manager select open text as root, this action open file with kate with root permissions

This guide for mint community is very usefull

Before change

linux /vmlinuz-3.11.0-12-generic root=UUID=99ecb48f-3a8a-418a-8665-d3118e576e75 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff
initrd /initrd.img-3.11.0-12-generic

After change

linux /vmlinuz-3.11.0-12-generic root=UUID=99ecb48f-3a8a-418a-8665-d3118e576e75 ro quiet splash text $vt_handoff
initrd /initrd.img-3.11.0-12-generic

text word is added after splash word, this allow enter on text mode at reboot, this this helpme so much at install drivers but with launchppa x edgers for first time drivers installing

After this text mode, you can login and search on folder where you must put binary driver


And proceed to install with command

sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-337.12.run

After this many things is same on this tutorial as:

-distribution provided script failed

-screen about DKMS support, i select too on No, because i dont like update kernel, always use kernel from distribution, this mode shows minor problems

For least before reboot and its very important for entry on normal mode, you must remove text from line on grub.cfg

As stay on text mode, this line must be stay on grub.cfg

linux /vmlinuz-3.11.0-12-generic root=UUID=99ecb48f-3a8a-418a-8665-d3118e576e75 ro quiet splash text $vt_handoff
initrd /initrd.img-3.11.0-12-generic

For edit you must be use nano with this command

sudo nano grub.cfg

At only delete text word and must be appear this after delete word

linux /vmlinuz-3.11.0-12-generic root=UUID=99ecb48f-3a8a-418a-8665-d3118e576e75 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff
initrd /initrd.img-3.11.0-12-generic

and proceed to save file with control key + O key and exit with control key + X key

On my case after make this changes always show again file for verified changes

And if you make step before described at reboot you must be entry on normal mode

This method work for my distribution Linux Mint 16 KDE 32bits

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I just wanted to add that this step

Add the path /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib at the end of the file

Is totally not there if you are using Debian, weirdly in Linux Mint the installer creates its own path... in Debian the installer just uses the default 32bit library path. Totally weird.
I just wanted to add that this step

Add the path /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib at the end of the file

Is totally not there if you are using Debian, weirdly in Linux Mint the installer creates its own path... in Debian the installer just uses the default 32bit library path. Totally weird.

This step its needed if you use 64bit distribution but on my case use 32bit and no need make that

On my second linux: Mint 17 Cinnamon 64bit this step its needed, your guide its usefull for that but i need add nouveau and company to black list (this stay on other guide) on text mode with nano after this contining with your guide

But after make test (on my channel appears various test)


On 32bit distribution wine runs better than 64bit distribution maybe its for at compiling time on 32bit distribution most depencies are satisfied meanwhile on 64bit have most problem with resolved dependencies

This is some examples (both distribution installed on same machine with same wine version 1.7.20 and same nvidia propietary drivers 340.17)

On Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64bit

On Linux Mint 16 KDE 32bit

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I've been using 64bit distributions for a while now. By now there shouldn't be a problem of 32bit applications running in 64bit environment... I would expect every distribution to have decent multiarch support. Granted, there are still some libraries that haven't moved to 64bit (mostly due to age).

I really haven't had a problem with 32bit applications running on my system. I think the only problem I have had is with Borderlands 2 and I'm pretty sure it's an isolated case. As for game performance... I can't say, I need to buy a new video card actually :(
I've been using 64bit distributions for a while now. By now there shouldn't be a problem of 32bit applications running in 64bit environment... I would expect every distribution to have decent multiarch support. Granted, there are still some libraries that haven't moved to 64bit (mostly due to age).

I really haven't had a problem with 32bit applications running on my system. I think the only problem I have had is with Borderlands 2 and I'm pretty sure it's an isolated case. As for game performance... I can't say, I need to buy a new video card actually :(

try 32bit distribution maybe solve your problems on borderlands on my case works good (launcher dont work)

your card its not bad with moderate values (no AA, no ambient oclusion and other shadow special effects) and moderate resolution (1366x768 as maximum for performance) must be work acceptable

Fermi 40nm GF108 96 shaders / 4 rops / 16 tmus / ddr3 128bit around 1800mhz (depending model) this provide around 28.8gb/s / 65w

on my case i have geforce GT630 GK208

Kepler 28nm GK208 384 shaders / 8 rops / 16 tmus / ddr3 64bit around 1800mhz (depending model) this provide around 14.4gb/s / 25w

But your card have rapid memories

if you want upgrade maintain your actual vga drain power, Geforce GTX 750Ti maybe good option

Maxwell 28nm GM107 640 shaders / 16 rops / 40 tmus / ddr5 128bit around 5400mhz (depending model) this provide around 86.4gb/s / 60w

Well, the problem is I'm not the only one having the issues. It seems another person has the same problem as me.

-- Switching to spanish (my native language)

Aunque investigue recientemente mas a fondo, estuve como 2 dias tratando de lanzar el juego sin ningun tipo de resultado, se que el lanzador como tal no funciona pero Borderlands2.exe cuando se lanza se cierra al segundo que abre. WINE no tirado ningun mensaje.

No crei que iba a tener tanto problemas con el juego :|. En verdad me sorprende, pero nada, el juego para mi no es prioridad ya que pues ahora mismo estoy tratando de conquistar mi libreria de juego en steam, porque de todo lo que he comprado no he terminado muchos ;_;
Well, the problem is I'm not the only one having the issues. It seems another person has the same problem as me.

-- Switching to spanish (my native language)

Aunque investigue recientemente mas a fondo, estuve como 2 dias tratando de lanzar el juego sin ningun tipo de resultado, se que el lanzador como tal no funciona pero Borderlands2.exe cuando se lanza se cierra al segundo que abre. WINE no tirado ningun mensaje.

No crei que iba a tener tanto problemas con el juego :|. En verdad me sorprende, pero nada, el juego para mi no es prioridad ya que pues ahora mismo estoy tratando de conquistar mi libreria de juego en steam, porque de todo lo que he comprado no he terminado muchos ;_;

Por fin alguien mas en español, eso facilita mucho las cosas, en mi caso tambien soy de habla hispana

Volviendo al caso de borderlands 2 en mi caso tengo instalado los net framework 3.5 y 4.0 (en mi caso uso el wine sin modificar, para la instalacion de utilidades no uso winetricks, solo atraves del wine ejemplo wine netframework4.exe) pero para instalarlos es necesario no instalar mono la primera vez que se abre el winecfg apenas se acaba de instalar (el mismo wine sugiere que el mismo lo puede descargar a lo cual le decimos que no pero si instalo gecko)

Si muchos usuarios tenemos juegos que no finalizamos en mi caso lo que tengo lo uso mas para pruebas que para jugarlos

Si, se que hablas español porque he visto tus comentarios en reddit y WINEHQ jaja.

Yo he compilado todo los WINEs que han salido desde la version 0.9, ¿por qué? Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en un proyecto para crear un wrapper por comando. No soy usuario de PlayOnLinux y tampoco me gusta usarlo. No habia otra solucion, a parte de usar winetricks, que pues tampoco me gusta tanto que digamos. Asi que nada, otra solucion pronto sera disponible para el publico XD

Volviendo al tema, por lo menos cuando hice la botella de Borderlands2 no instale tantas cosas, .NET Framework 4 y directx9 nada mas. En verdad si juegos como Skyrim, Astebreed, Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 me estan funcionando actualmente. Creo que a lo mejor tenga que ver si hubo un tipo de update que me afecto de parte de Borderlands 2 o de parte de Steam. ¬_¬

Pero nada, por lo menos dejemos el asunto por ahora ya que estamos en un tema separado de como instalar drivers de NVIDIA y ya nos fuimos por otro rumbo XD

Aqui esta el otro tema creado en los foros.
