Happy Birthday ThunderRd!

I'm still lurking around in the background, but work's been a bit hectic these last few months...

Wouldn't know... I'm not yet 40 3:)

As 40 was 30 years ago for me, I don't have a lot of real good advice.
Let's see...

1. Don't talk back to your wife.
2. Don't talk back to your Boss.
(I think I covered that with 1.)

1 and 2 will pretty much get you past 50.
Check back then if your still fool enough to listen to me.
( Hitting 50, I think )pretty much cures everything but 60.

I guess I should add, watch out for 40. 40 brings with it some awfully bad ideas
to the fore. Adventures not taken now seem now to be imperative. THEY ARE NOT!!

Stay home, be gentle be kind and reject adventures at every turn.
Boring so beats adventure when it comes to aging.

Just look how boring I am!! You don't get this boring with out racking up the years!

Wait until your kids are grown before you start to work on serious aging!

Don't be afraid to ask your mom and dad....Their kids are grown so they know lot's of stuff we...I mean you don't.

If they give you any trouble make fun of their age!!
(But probably not the best way to gain their advice. I think maybe making fun of them was an Idea I have left over from my 40s., Watch out for 40!
"I know everybody who's heart is still pumpin' is smoking, shooting or snorting on something." Curtis Mayfield. From the movie "Superfly."

Unfortunately that was part of my philosophy many years ago. Just say "No!" to drugs. Your future will thank you!
"I know everybody who's heart is still pumpin' is smoking, shooting or snorting on something." Curtis Mayfield. From the movie "Superfly."

Unfortunately that was part of my philosophy many years ago. Just say "No!" to drugs. Your future will thank you!
Drugs no, Herbs yes!
Yes, but... The Man can stick it to you much better than you can stick it to Them. I am actually allergic to pot, ain't it always something??
Yes, but... The Man can stick it to you much better than you can stick it to Them. I am actually allergic to pot, ain't it always something??

Coulda woulda shoulda.

I smoked pot for 53 years, all high wide and handsome. barely aware of their effort to incarcerate me.
it's no fun putting some one in a jail..

But flying over the coo coo's nest...priceless.":O}
Fifty three years. I hope to reach that advanced age sometime. I guess I smoked the shtuff for thirty five years or so. The last five years of imbibing was pure paranoia. But this addict couldn't give it up, boy was that unpleasant.

I know that it's not an addictive substance. But this addict had to be hospitalized to kick the stuff. Let that be a lesson for you youngsters out there.

It's ironic that it's legal in our state now. But the almighty feds say No! Gotta keep those privately run jails full. Profit for them! Misery for the man in the street.
Even in the 60's I knew folks for whom pot was as bad for as it was good for me.
Brain is a great big place and many things are yet to be known.

Many things , I believe, will be found to be almost entirely subjective.

Here I go again! LOL

There's a really remarkable movie titled "Jacob's Latter"
A dying man is being hounded by demons.

Afflicted by horrifying visions. Just as he becomes certain that they will over come him
An acupuncturist who has been trying to help him find his way though confusion and despair suggest to him that all his devils are angels who we fear for that take away what is evil within us.

It maybe evil but it is still ourselves and it hurts to lose part of ourselves.
But once he sees this for himself and willingly divests himself of evil, he once thought was good all goes well and heaven is attained.

Important to note that this is a Good man going to meet his maker.
We all require purification in order to see that many of our demons are angels and many of our angels are demons.

We are here in this place tasked with sorting them out. And I believe that sorting to be principle among our tasks here on Earth.

So with pot as with all else I would advice one to take what is good for them and leave the rest.

For me Pot offered me sufficient detachment to free myself of a view of myself that was doing me real harm.
It helped me enormously in learning to forgive.It helped me in terms of dissolving my bitterness.

But you see I knew where I wanted to go, with pot to really use it in a helpful way, you have to know where you are going and how you want to get there.Or one should leave it alone or limit it to recreational use.

I fear most should probably leave it alone.

In India pot has be used by Yogis for thousands of years. And of course there are many yogis who do not.
They do not look upon each other and cast aspersions.

In India there are ten thousand paths up the mountain and ten million feet upon every path..

So I try to neither encourage or discourage it's use. I suggest that each must ask his or her feet the right way to go. It is it not asking ourselves what is right that we fall into error.

I can honestly say that for a time in my youth pot is all that kept me above ground. I had to get stoned to be able to believe what I HAD to believe to go forward into the light. I grew up in darkness It took me several cycles of time to learn how to believe in the light.

So now we have to old guys taking different paths upon the same mountain.

At the top all paths meet upon the mountain. And no one ever stands taller than the mountain.