Gothic Guide

This game is the first in the Gothic series, developed by german studio Piranha Bytes. It quickly gained a cult following because of the great atmosphere, unique story line and intriguing game world. The game is also unforgiving to new players. The controls and interface may seem difficult at first, but is really very easy once familiar.


This guide will explain how to install the digital edition of the game, available on

Tips & Specs

To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux explained

Arch Linux 64-bit
PlayOnLinux 4.2.2
Wine 1.7.19

Downloading from GOG

GOG games can be downloaded on Linux by using a web browser, just make sure the " Downloader mode" is OFF


Or you can use the lgogdownloader, which is my personal preferred choice. It is a very useful program for downloading GOG games. There is no graphical interface for it, but it is very fast and provides error free downloads.

For some Linux distros it may be found in community repositories or similar community provided packages. Installation and usage instructions are located here: lgogdownloader

On first use, you must log in by opening a terminal and using the command:

lgogdownloader --login

You will be prompted for your account email and password, which you must type in correctly before you can use lgogdownloader to download games.

To list all games you own, type:

lgogdownloader --list

If you only want to see specific games you own, for example any games with 'gothic' in the name, then type:

lgogdownloader --list | grep gothic


To download Gothic with no extras and no cover artwork, just the actual installer:

lgogdownloader --download --game gothic$ --no-extras --no-cover --directory /path/to/folder

Setup PlayOnLinux

Launch PlayOnLinux and select 'Tools' and 'Manage Wine versions'

In the new window that appears, scroll through the 'Available Wine versions' box to find '1.7.19' and click on the right pointing arrow to install it, now it will be visible under 'Installed Wine versions' on the right side
If you have a 64-bits system, make sure you have selected the 'Wine versions (x86)' tab above, although it is possible to use 64-bit wine if so desired


Just close the window. Back at the main PlayOnLinux window, select 'Install'

Click on 'Install a non-listed program'


Select 'Install a program in a new virtual drive' and click next


Name the the virtual drive "gothic" and click next


Select "Use another version of Wine", "Configure Wine" and "Install some libraries" before you click next


On the wine selection window, select 1.7.19 and click next. Make sure you select '32-bits window installation' if you are on a 64-bit system as it is normally the best practice, but in my experience this will work well in a 64-bit virtual drive.


When the wine configuration window appear, select the 'Graphics' tab, and click the checkbox for all four options. The resolution you set for the virtual desktop should be your desktop resolution. My desktop resolution is 1920 x 1080, so you can see I have set that as the virtual desktop resolution in the screenshot below.


Note: Even though the language is Norwegian in my screenshot, the layout will look the same for you

When you come to the selection of libraries to install, select two libraries:

  • POL_Install_directmusic
  • POL_Install_gdiplus


Then click 'Next'

When you are asked for the install file to run, navigate to the GOG installer and select it. Then click 'Next'


Installing the Game


Click on 'Options'. You don't need any desktop icons created by the installer as those are only useful on Windows. Then click to accept the EULA and click 'Install'


The installation will commence


When the installation is complete, 'Exit' the installer


When you are asked to create a shortcut, select "GOTHIC.EXE", you can let it keep the default name. Then select 'I don't want to make another shortcut'


Now make sure you have selected the game shortcut in the main PlayOnLinux window, then click on 'Configure' and then find the box labeled 'Arguments'

It is marked in my screenshot below. This is strictly not required in order to play the game, but chances are you have a widescreen monitor with much larger resolution than the game supports. Inside the box type in the command:


The XXXX,XXXX is the resolution you wish to use, which should be your desktop resolution, same is you set for the wine virtual desktop resolution. You can see the values I have used in the screenshot.


Now select the 'Display' tab and set your 'Video memory size' there


You can now close this window. Lastly, there are some changes you can make to the game's ini file. However, before that you need to start the game once, and the exit it. This is just to ensure the ini file is properly populated.

After you have started the game once and exited it, back in the main PlayOnLinux window, right click on the Gothic shortcut and select

'Open the application's directory'


Find the file GOTHIC.INI and then open it with a text editor such as Gedit or Mousepad


There are a few lines you should be on the look for here:

sightValue - this can be changed within the game, but in case you just want to set it now, remember that 14 is the highest value

scaleVideos - is set to 0 by default, which will make in-game videos play at their original resolution which will make them appear very small if you run on a high resolution. You can set this to 1 instead to make videos appear fullscreen. However, if it causes you problems to see videos at all, simply set it back to 0


The three above set resolution and color depth, however if they are set to unsupported values, they will be reset when you exit the game. That makes it rather pointless to edit them in the ini file. The argument we added to the shortcut allow us to override any resolution settings, so there is no need to edit these three, I simply wanted to point it out.

zDetailTexturesEnabled - this line appears twice in the ini file. You can set both to 1 if you feel your computer can handle it. It will let the game display more detailed textures

There are also other values you may want to look at if you know what you are doing. For most of the lines there are comments that explain what the value does. When you are done, be sure to save the file, then close.

You can now enjoy this really great game on Linux

gothic_18.png gothic_19.png
gothic_20.png gothic_21.png
gothic_22.png gothic_23.png
Does Gothic have any graphical overhaul mods or improvements?
Reminds me a lot of Morrowind.
I am currently testing Rune Classic and it was released about the same time as Gothic, but its mostly linear so far.
Similar graphical style.
There could be graphical overhaul mods, but it is not something I have looked into. I like the graphics as they are, I think there is a certain charm to them, but that's just my nostalgia talking.

This game is a lot less forgiving than Morrowind. If you ever felt Morrowind just let you out in the wild with few instructions, well this game feels like it trips you into a mud puddle first. But that is kind of the point, you are supposed to be a nobody when you begin. You need to use your wits to learn about the world and find your way. Fortunately, once you start gaining levels in this game, and join one of the three camps, things start getting easier.
Got it. Not sure if its my kind of game, but it sounds pretty good. I have played Gothic 3 and am currently playing Risen. I was spoiled with Oblivion and Two Worlds, so it was hard to like Gothic 3. Risen is really fun and almost open-world.

I like to include the stable graphical overhaul mods for my Guides cause newer gamers have a hard time liking these old games.
I totally understand the nostalgia, and these old games run great on any laptop/netbook.
Gothic 3 is the easiest in the series, and a bit different from the first two. Risen have the same dev as Gothic 1-3. I also played Risen and it is story-wise and progression wise almost a copy of Gothic 2, just on a smaller scale. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, Gothic 2 is awesome. I will be doing guides for the rest of the Gothic games, at least up to G3. I never played the expansion for G3 since another dev made it, but I might look into it.
Ah, no wonder I like Risen so much. I'll have to see who made Risen 2 because I've read some bad reviews on it.
Its cool you are doing guides for a bunch of games I don't have. Works out perfectly.
I never played Risen 2, because I've never been much of a fan of pirate setting (I know I'm weird, haha), but it is still a Piranha Bytes games so I might give it a go at some point.

Risen 1 is a good game and I enjoyed it a lot, but I still think Gothic, especially Gothic 2, is better. Maybe I'm allergic to good graphics since almost all my favorite games seem to be old games with bad graphics :p

Might and Magic 1, practically just black and white graphics, is very high on my list of favorite games, so I suppose that says something, haha.
I'm having a hard time completing side-quests in Risen. The quest map only shows a dot where you talked to the person and (sometimes) a dot where you are supposed to go. But thats it...
If I can't find the location or item, then I'm stuck.
For example, my character is investigating a murder at the monastery, but I never figured out how to finish the quest. That was at the beginning of the game.
On top of that, I'm having a hard time killing creature in certain areas of the map. I know all enemies have different levels, but man, some are almost impossible. Even if my Dexterity and Strength are high.
Hell I can't even find more arrows. All that money wasted increasing my Dexterity and now I don't have any arrows.
It's been a while since I played Risen. If I remember correctly, that murder quest required you to do some investigation. Talking to people, checking the monastery for clues, and asking people about the clues you find. Gothic 1-2 does not have any help at all, just a log that show all active quests and some basic notes regarding what information you have gathered thus far. Very often, you really need to search around very properly.

And you can't train up a lot of skills. If I remember correctly, Risen is just like Gothic 1-2 in that regard. You should pick one combat style you want to be good at, and only train that. Generally, monsters are supposed to be dangerous and you are often not supposed to be able to explore everywhere at once, instead returning later when you are higher level. But I only played Risen once after the original release, so I don't remember if the game was as unforgiving as Gothic.

There is no shame in finding a guide on gamefaqs to help you out in the beginning of the game. I often do that if the game seems difficult and I am unsure how to best improve skills and such. I have played several rpg's in the past where it turned out there was only enough level advancement to allow limited skill improvement, and I had spread skills too much to have effective combat skills, requiring a restart.
You are probably right, but I feel there is a little shame with online guides because I should be able to figure it out on my own. I rarely go to guides unless I'm completely stuck in a game. Like Portal, but its a linear game.

One more thing... I have noticed that magice in Risen is not used for offensive combat. So I'm forced to resorting to melee and archery to fight multiple enemies. I was hoping to have some ice, fire, lightning capabilities, but I havn't found any yet.
Is that how Gothic is as well?
I think it was the same in Risen as with Gothic, you should primarily focus on a single style of combat, close combat, ranged weapons OR magic. As with magic, there is plenty of damaging magic but I think most of that is only available to those who join the monastery to become a mage. And it is only after you formally join a faction in the game that things really get set in motion.

Gothic 1 and 2 is the same. After formally joining a faction will you gain proper armor and equipment, and the game story does not progress until after joining a faction. However, it is a good idea to do all the preliminary joining quests for a faction, but not actually join it. Doing will yield a lot of extra experience. Risen have the same kind of factions as Gothic 2, city guard which are warriors. Mercenary style warriors camped outside the city, and lastly the monastery for mages.
Ugh, I wish there were some simple tips for when I started. Now I have to start all over. Well, someday.... I guess Risen is on hold for now.
I keep all of my save games, but I wouldn't mind starting over.

I joined the Monastery early on. Well, they kidnapped me, but I learned the staff and did a bunch of quests, but found that if I made my own sword, the damage is 30. Whilst the staff and other weapons were lower 15-20
But even with damage 30, I can be killed easily by a few gnomes or wolves depending on the area. So I'm saving every time I see any enemies.