Do you really know that death is always near?

When your right up against it and you realize your totally helpless and in the hands of fate
My God there is nothing like a good doctor.

I'm glad you have two., I told,mine to stay on the red line because I wanted the big half back.
He didn't have much of sense of humor...That's good! who wants a cutter whose always laughing.

Much cooler weather this year, hows by you?
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Good news during extreme periods of illness is always wonderful. Sorry that you are beset with this trial, you certainly don't deserve this. I hope this means that you are feeling better!

Watching The Animal leave WA DC in disgrace is what all of us hope for. Maybe he will move to Indonesia? The corruption is thick there and he'd love the weather!
I don't know George: I have this dream every nigh where all those who voted for tumor Gather in celebration a on the steps of the Capitol to lynch him.

I know it's just a dream, but one should never give up on their dream!
Chemo is finally done...last two sessions really kicked my rear.
But, finally got surgery scheduled for Nov 11th. See if maybe I can build up a little before that, 6 ft and only 129 lbs....tired of lookin' like I've just been liberated from a camp ;)
Chemo is said to be one cruel mo'huncher, so glad that you are free from it! I weighed 127 lbs once after I graduated from heroin addiction school. And 6' 2" at that. I know, brag, brag, brag. How lightweight an experience that was in comparison to your most recent ordeal. I hope you feel better soon!
Your a warrior, never let that go!! NEVER!!

Trading blows with cancer is nobodies idea of fun.

You think you look bad? You should see the screwed up mess you have made of your cancer.

Surgery...well what is warrior but a blood letter and a terror who loves his people?

I use to think that the difference between a warrior and a solider was that a warrior chooses his battles.

But I was wrong. The battle chooses the warrior.

A true warrior will always make the battle regret it's choice.

I now believe that a warrior is one who spits blood into his enemies eyes even as he falls.
Whenever a warrior falls a cause falls with him. A warrior fights for the good of all.
A warrior fights to restore the good to it's natural place among us.

LutaWicasa I am sorry that you have been chosen to fight this battle.
I'm sorry you were not left alone to live in peace.

Promise yourself that you will make cancer rue the day it ever heard your name.
And spit blood every time your name gets mentioned.

Hanta yo. (It is a good day to die!)

And a better day to kill cancer.

You can do this! You can walk away from cancer and leave it bleeding in the dust.

My sister had Kemo. 20 years ago, it totally crapped her life. Then she totally crapped her cancer.

She told me a few years ago that the only thing that made her fight worth while....was the next 20 years she stole from cancer. She is with us still and still cancer free.

This is not your end. This is your greatest battle and all battle is hell.

But hell must in the end always yield to heaven's will..

I see you made strong once more and walking this Earth covered in the dignity you created of what God has given you to endure for us all.

You are in our prayers always. But Knights of the faith must always stand alone. Warriors rely only upon themselves for this is how all the great battles of our lives are won.

Do you have cancer support group? My sister said that meeting others that had conquered cancer was of great use to her in her own battle. To see the positive outcome created hope in her life at a time when hope was on the run.

chemo drags you down.The victories others have won can give you strength.Nourish your self upon their victories. You are now in the mist of mighty warriors hardened by their battles with this evil foe.. They can and will lend to you their experiences of that battle.

I see you walking with us for many years to come.

I never really know, Is any of this of any use to you?
I wish to be of use to you. Tell me how?
Surgery has been pushed to Dec 2nd...seems my cutter is undergoing surgery o_O
So...I'm back on chemo for another session or two.
Daniel~...just keep bein' you is the most helpful thing to do :)
Your surgeon requires surgery, there's justice in this world after all. Yay! But seriously this could be discouraging yet I'm certain that you will rise above this snag.
So how are you tolerating the Kemo? My Sister told me that she regretted that she didn't make more of her good days. That she let a lot of good days go by because she knew more bad days were on the way.

Try to remember that you have every cancer warrior of the past strongly at your back
Ten thousand medicine men sing and dance to strengthen your fight.

Those whose battles were lost are now your allies eager to join in your fight to victory.
Every one of them with a score to settle on your behalf.

You are not alone in the battle. You will not be alone in your victory. We must thank all the spirits of
human change and progress for the help they are giving us in this battle for life.

Mornings are very important. They set the mood for the day to come. We must arouse ourselves, Look the day right in the eye and give that day it's marching orders!
Remember that there will never be another day more suited to winning this fight!!

Then bring your war hammer down and set the law that you will follow that day.

Put your mind on lock down and look no more at the negative possibilities laying broken of the ground where your ruthless resolve has laid them low.

Beware of your mood. Moods are feelings that have no real purpose. Duty scorns moods.
To duty it does not matter the mood your in, there still remain things that one must do and that which one must not do. Duty is our path to salvation.

When the pinch comes and it surly will, get mad dog mean and rip into anything the questions your resolve.

If you must leave us...take scalps on the way home. Give yourself many victories to celebrate when
we come together and the circle completes to brings us to fluoridation, to bring us to "His" camp fire
to witness eternity's great unfolding.

I will always look for you among the stars, look for my eyes smiling across the fire from you. Smiling to see such a warrior as yourself burning with the same light as I.":O}
Well, I survived the surgery and even kept about a fifth of my stomach.
Got a nice zipper that starts at my sternum and runs to my bellybutton.
Well, I survived the surgery and even kept about a fifth of my stomach.
Got a nice zipper that starts at my sternum and runs to my bellybutton.

Kept one fifth of your stomach? Brother, I do not envy your surgery! I hope that the pain you must have goes away soon. Don't understand what having such a small stomach does to make life more difficult, yet it looks scary from here.

I really hope you feel better soon, thank you for letting us know what's going on with your august self!
Won't really make things too difficult...instead of three ,meals a day I'll just have to have 6 small meals a day.
In other words, I'll basically graze throughout the day. After things are healed I'll be able to eat what I always have, no restrictions beyond smaller quantities :)
Very god news indeed!

Any chance your gut will stretch out over time?

"better to eat 6 small meals that to eat dirt.":O}

So where does this leave you as far as your future health goes?
I'm sure it'll stretch somewhat but I'll never get to absolutely stuff myself at holiday meals again ;)
Future health? Doc says he got it all (4/5 of the stomach and 18 lymph nodes), I'll still have 2-4 chemo treatments next month to clear up any floaters, but things are lookin' great.
I'm sure it'll stretch somewhat but I'll never get to absolutely stuff myself at holiday meals again ;)
Future health? Doc says he got it all (4/5 of the stomach and 18 lymph nodes), I'll still have 2-4 chemo treatments next month to clear up any floaters, but things are lookin' great.

I watch a medical show on TV. "The good Doctor"
I'm constantly being amazed by the power to heal that has been placed within our reach.
Even if does cost 4/5th of a stomach!

I'm with George! This is very good news to be sure.
Did they staple you or stitch?
I don't know why they still do both. You didn't happen to ask? ":O}

Don't try to tip the nurses they will think your a hick.
They thought I was a hick.
Don't bother taking those paper shoes they give you to home.
They don't hold up at all! Not even as socks!

Lucky Lucy they don't use paper stitches!
I'm pretty sure, but you might want to check on that one before you take your first shower.
I mean let's face it...You don't have a whole lot of stomach you can afford to let go of, not even for good hygiene or to save a few bucks on the paper stitches!

This is pretty much my idea of humor
So do I have you in stitches?

Laughter gives wings to happiness.
Some times 4/5 of a stomach can't get off the ground
But you you don't get a song.

Nobody writes songs about my baby left me with a broken and greatly reduced stomach.
They just don't sell like A mashed up heart song.

Look at it this way. You can satisfy your inner pig six times a day.
With just one candy bar! ":O}

OH! did you get a chance to laugh in deaths face? I always wanted to do that.
But I was afraid he'd laugh back in a very sly and nasty way. ":O}

You can't get well enough or happy enough soon enough to suit me. So get after it!
Actually, both....stitches inside and staples out.
Heh...I couldn't possibly afford tipping that many people.
I simply did my best to not be a pain in their asses and extended my heartfelt thanks ;)
Don't think I've met the gentleman as yet...seems my surgeon and all the other op-room
staff did a fine job of keepin' 'im at bay :D

I found it ain't easy takin' a snap of yer own gut :confused:
Dang, you look skinny (and having no fun at all getting those scars) in the pic you provided. Maybe six meals a day will help you gain weight? I really hope so!
I learned this yesterday on "The good Doctor."

You know that when cancer metastasizes and spreads though out the internal Organs?
This used to be and probably still is in most cases the death Nell of the penitent.

But what they are starting to do is remove each and ever organ separately, then cut out what ever cancer they find. Then return into service the now cancer free organs. I gathered that there is a very thin line between needing such a procedure and being able to survive it. That's what I love about modern medicine.

It takes that thin red line and wraps it around death's neck, then they squeeze your life right back out of him!

As I advised George, you can make those little holes bigger with your finger. But you'll need to talk to George first. He never got back to me on how it worked out for him.

So are you still in hospital?

Are you set up at home to care for your wounds? I remember your having a brother hanging about. Is he in a position where he can help out for a while?

I'm going to ask the wife where one can buy 4/5ths of a spoon and fork.
In my judgement you should be able to resume posting music for the ages.

but don't push yourself especially if you decide you need big holes to better fit your finger.

Be well, every thing else just plain sucks.
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