Are you now connected from the house?
Sounds like you can barter computer services for other stuff, like carpentry and etc.
I will have to go slow here Most are just getting use to their smart phones.
Not their fault! They do everything right on our end! It's just that their ten thousand complains went UN-noticed because wow! There was no one to receive our complaints!!
But Todd excepts no limitations he has not endorsed. Todd when straight to our local bar ( yes it's 40 miles away!) And set Century-link straight! Two week later, yesterday, after Todd waved his magic "I used to be a fire man" wand everyone got hookup!
Are you going to be the one who says no to a fireman who had a house fall on him to gain early retirement? Me neither!
But I have already met a camp cast off. An old compac It works, that is it boots Win 7.
I want to install Mint on it but have been waiting for us all to get on-line. Will a proprietary Compaq accept a Linux install? Or would I just lose win 7 in the process?
How odd! This has been by far the worst move among many in our lives, yet it's brought us to the best place of our lives.
Darn! I forgot to say in a previous post that 6 hours after we revived our get ready to bug out warning
a small group of firemen and a firewoman came by to give me the "All clear for now".
These four who came by me had been on the front line just hours before. This was their "rest period"
"Their time off the front line" spent going door to door.
I don't know how they are usually greeted But when I gave my thanks and asked that they at lest try to stay safe, something happened I was not prepared for.
The small pretty young fire woman turned to her at lest 6ft 4 inch partner With a smile that could dim sunlight, so bright and full of joy. She said not a word but reached way up in a high-five!
He was right there with her in his joy It was like no one had ever told them. Like they had never been thanked before!!
I told that they risked their lives to protect mine and they would never hear any complaints of any kind from me from me.
And that just set them off! Like a roman candle their spirits flew above all the flames
They saw though the smoke to all the lives they had saved and would save and knew of our gratitude.
That's all I said. But for these courageous men and women on the front lines of life fighting off death
it was enough, it was more than enough.
Lesson gained. No matter how obvious and undeniable their deeds seem to us, No matter how in inherently good the deed, People still need to hear from us that we DO appreciate what has been given to gain our safety.
Never pass up a chance to give them our thanks. For tomorrow they go again to meet the fire and to stand in smoke filled darkest fighting for the light and for air to breathe.
As so many before me I have come to know the debt they are owed and that for such as these, a simple thanks cancels all debts.