Build a World

I never understood Minecraft. And never tried it since I didn't have windows. If a free trial exists for this native game, I may take a further look.

Thanks for the link

edit : first problem, I don't know how the game works or install. I tried to double click the client64 app, and nothing happened...
Try this:
  1. download the zip
  2. extract the .tar from the zip
  3. extract the .tar to your /home
  4. open Terminal
  5. navigate to the game folder "Build A World"
  6. Make launcher executable:
    sudo chmod +x BAWClient64
  7. Launch with this command:

Now it should automatically run
I miss a library too, apparently. I'll try it tommorow. Enough games fails for today I guess. LOL
This is the problem with downloaded indie games. They just give you the game folders.
LinSteam is great because it downloads and installs the game for you.
Even the Double-Fine Linux games have to be extracted and made executable. But once you do it, they are good-to-go.
Not tried it myself, but I prefer more realistic world building.

The map editor for Far Cry 3 is excellent, it's a game in itself, and very easy to use.
I've got it working under linux on my kid's computer. Seems to work just fine.

Is there a native Linux version of Minecraft or did you run it with PlayOnLinux?
The application itself is java, so it's just a matter of writing a script to launch it.

You can download the jar from the minecraft downloads page. After that, make sure you have java installed (they say you can use OpenJDK, but I've had enough squirreliness with OpenJDK that I just install Sun Java instead), and then make a shell script with this:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -jar /home/<username>/.minecraft/minecraft.jar

Replace <username> with your linux username.

NOTE: The below shouldn't be necessary on current versions of the minecraft code:
There was an issue with the lwjgl libraries that would cause a black screen on startup. To resolve that, you needed to do the following:

cd lwjgl-2.6/
cp jar/* ~/.minecraft/bin/
cp native/linux/* ~/.minecraft/bin/natives/

This will download and install the lwjgl 2.9 libraries.
Really? so Minecraft isn't operating specific? You just download the jar file and as long as you have Java installed you can play it?
Pretty cool.
Does that mean the IOS and Android are using Java too?
That would be my guess, though probably the Java ME, rather than Java SE.
I'm actually kinda shocked because of the zero-day security risks Java keeps getting.
I would think IOS would stay away from it.
We solved most of the glibc dependencies and ship glibc and gcc shared libs with the game (its built on VMs)
so now you should be able to play on mint

We HAVE ALSO RELEASED a major upgrade... version 0.5877 with a whole ton of new functionality (check out the videos in our youtube channel)

even if you had a trial before, your trial time will get topped up with 48 hours of additional time within the next week (you'll get an email notifying you of this)

So back to:
We are in the process of chasing down the GLIBC issues, it seems that we'll have to get an old Long Term Support debian distro (Ubuntu 12.04) and Linux Standard Base build tools to fully put our foot down on this whole mess, as of now you need GLIBC 2.15 or above to play

We HAVE ALSO RELEASED a major upgrade... version 0.597 with a whole ton of new functionality (check out the videos in our youtube channel)

(You should have gotten an email notifying you that you just got 1 month extra time, even if account has expired)

New Stuff:
-functional model sharing
-big cities autogenerating from approved models
-achievements, rankings and level ups
-signal lines (switches etc for operating electricity sucking blocks)

So back to:
Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to post the updates for Buildaworld.
NOTE: Sorry we forgot to post about version 0.6, so here is the changelog for that

New Version 0.61 is out, and lots of stuff being worked on under the hood, soon to be released.

big fps increases

Currently in the works are rockets, trains and tracks, weapons and water detachment, animals and avatars with pathfinding ... among things

Update 8-8-2014 (0.61/rev.1211)
- big teslacoil now misses (25% to 45% miss, according to distance)
- electrical bolts with better effect added (alpha blended)
- powertransformer will now explode if submerged in water and currently has power
- powertransformer will now set on fire if touched by water and currently has power
- small power transformer added
- ability to raise or lower global waterlevels (happens over time when level is changed)
- landscape will change if flooded (basic erosion)
- added traintracks (will be enabled for next release)
- map height is now 384, used to be 256
- maps gets automatically converted to new format, which gives 57 more blocks below
oceanlevel and 71 more above oceanlevel (total 128)
- map generation bug fixed (maps seemed skewed)
- taller buildings in newly generated big cities
- industrial areas can now appear next to a big city (in Big World or Designer Mode)
- minimap added (will require sattelite launched into space in next version)
- FPS increased by 30% on average
- shark spawner block added
- small and medium steam turbines added
- new player achievements added
- powertransformer can now be rotated
- black spots glowing in water - fixed
- underwater wierd textures showing in the fog - fixed

- map format has changed from 32x32x256 to 64x64x384. Also the regions are now split
vertically into 64x64x64 cubes, which gives better occlusion culling
- light bolts can now be transparent (have alpha blending)
- extended the particle system so now we can have axis-aligned particles like lightbolts, sparks and splashes
- gameserver now does not save regions that have not been modified
- multithreaded pathfinding algorith put in (not in use yet)
- soft particles now uses a new transfer function
- render now uses more memory, if available, for more renderthreads
- on 2 or 1 core machine, the lightning is not diagonal, but straight down which is faster
- vertret optimized and using less memory
- smokeless fireemitter added
- explosion/mob collision now much faster
- water occq merged into one and it was simplified with quadtree, so reflections faster
- experimental import of realworld GIS heightdata, roads, houses etc. done (not enabled for now)

and here are 20 of the 40 new animals to be added:

Love the reflection in the water!
Also, those animals look amazing... almost don't fit the game cause they aren't blocky... who cares, they look very realistic.