NOTE: Sorry we forgot to post about version 0.6, so here is the changelog for that
New Version 0.61 is out, and lots of stuff being worked on under the hood, soon to be released.
big fps increases
Currently in the works are rockets, trains and tracks, weapons and water detachment, animals and avatars with pathfinding ... among things
Update 8-8-2014 (0.61/rev.1211)
- big teslacoil now misses (25% to 45% miss, according to distance)
- electrical bolts with better effect added (alpha blended)
- powertransformer will now explode if submerged in water and currently has power
- powertransformer will now set on fire if touched by water and currently has power
- small power transformer added
- ability to raise or lower global waterlevels (happens over time when level is changed)
- landscape will change if flooded (basic erosion)
- added traintracks (will be enabled for next release)
- map height is now 384, used to be 256
- maps gets automatically converted to new format, which gives 57 more blocks below
oceanlevel and 71 more above oceanlevel (total 128)
- map generation bug fixed (maps seemed skewed)
- taller buildings in newly generated big cities
- industrial areas can now appear next to a big city (in Big World or Designer Mode)
- minimap added (will require sattelite launched into space in next version)
- FPS increased by 30% on average
- shark spawner block added
- small and medium steam turbines added
- new player achievements added
- powertransformer can now be rotated
- black spots glowing in water - fixed
- underwater wierd textures showing in the fog - fixed
- map format has changed from 32x32x256 to 64x64x384. Also the regions are now split
vertically into 64x64x64 cubes, which gives better occlusion culling
- light bolts can now be transparent (have alpha blending)
- extended the particle system so now we can have axis-aligned particles like lightbolts, sparks and splashes
- gameserver now does not save regions that have not been modified
- multithreaded pathfinding algorith put in (not in use yet)
- soft particles now uses a new transfer function
- render now uses more memory, if available, for more renderthreads
- on 2 or 1 core machine, the lightning is not diagonal, but straight down which is faster
- vertret optimized and using less memory
- smokeless fireemitter added
- explosion/mob collision now much faster
- water occq merged into one and it was simplified with quadtree, so reflections faster
- experimental import of realworld GIS heightdata, roads, houses etc. done (not enabled for now)
and here are 20 of the 40 new animals to be added: