Bioshock Infinite now available on Linux!

Oh no...
So are you going to wait for the new Nvidia driver or downgrade?
I will dowgrade to the latest stable, and see how that runs. I just have to search around a bit, and ask on the funtoo forums how to downgrade the graphics drviers, because I've never done that in a Gentoo like system before.

I will definitely run a new clonezilla image of all my drives before proceeding because I've made a lot of changes since I last did an image.
When you image, do you have /home on a separate partition so you only have to backup the OS?
I image the entire thing, even /home so I keep my user configs. I have a 180 GB SSD and a 2 TB HDD, and because of the 2 TB HDD taking an image takes at least 4-5 hours, but I like to be thorough.

I image the disks, not the partition, so it also saves the mbr.
Wow, that is pretty fast for Clonezilla. I use it with 80GB partitions at work and it take an hour to backup, but 15 minutes to restore
I found the reason why some game wouldn't luanch. Tested one game now, moving on to the others. What I find strange is that I used Xfs on the Manjaro install that ran Borderlands 2 a little while ago, on the same 2 TB HDD.

It's worth noting that most of my games work in my /home folder where I use XFS, but there are a few games that did not work.

I created a EXT4 partition under 1 TB with a second library for steam, for the games that have not been ported correctly by the developers.

Going to try to change the /home to less than 1 TB and install the problem games there again to see if that could also fix the problem.
Ok, that is strange, but maybe its causing a permissions issue.
One thing I noticed when I started using LinSteam, some games refused to launch and I would have to open up the permissions for the executable.
But that was over a year ago. Today games and permisisons are just fine.
Maybe its related?
The issue still stands with Borderlands 2 and Bioshock Infinite.

I will check the permissions for the game files, but that is odd considering that those games are in my home folder.

Bioshock doesn't launch at all, but Borderlands 2 gets a window where the edges come up then the game crashes.
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I resolved the issue. Instead of using XFS for both root and home, which seemed to be a problem for either the two games or steam together with the two games.

Now I use ext4 on root, ext4 on home partition which is less than 1 TB now.

I will send an e-mail to Valve asking them what the problem might be.
Ah, didn't realize you were using a format other than ext4
Mint has LVM, but I stopped using it and now only use ext4
Never har any problem with XFS until these games came along.

Roing to clone my install then set up steamos with xfs and report back to aspyr that it's not a problem only related to non steamos, but it thought I made it perfectly clear to them that I had the same issue on several distros.
Thanks for being so active on this problem.
Its good to have it published online as well in case anyone else has similar symptoms.