Alexa Devices

It wasn't fashionable to attend the graduation ceremony when and where I spent my last year in high school. Must have been at least 500 kids missing that "important" day. Glad I was fashionable!
And we thought we were so old at eighteen. In a way we were old, certainly old enough to be drafted and die in Viet-Nam. In retrospect we sure looked like kids at that age.
"And awake the devil from his dream?" Perhaps leaving sleeping dogs alone isn't a bad idea?
"George, just be happy..." Love the idea as well as the sentiment. Thank you!

The devil dreams of suborning you. He dreams as trummy dreams of taking apart all that was put together, of marring a perfection that has no need of him.

What do I dream of?

"If I had a boat I'd go out on the ocean
and if I had a pony
I'd ride him on my boat.":O}