Welcome to the forums Buwaro. So if you save it as a .reg file, can you run in with Wine or PlayOnLinux in the wineprefix and it will automatically install in the registry just like in Windows?
Only needs open regedit (this maybe easy on playonlinux or wine vanilla* execute wine regedit on windows folder on wine installation on your home directory) This tip is very usefull in my case use that when i need create fullrips (very usefull in wine especially with problematic installers, some install shield games or some EA installers as simcity 4 and others) If you want more maybe this guide can help you about create fullrips (windows are needed for create them) http://gamesonwine.blogspot.com/p/como-crear-un-fullrip-de-un-pc-game.html
yes. just run regedit like @mrdeathjr28 explained then click registry > import registry file then choose the .reg file just like in windows Thanks! I've been testing out some stuff which I'm planning to share to this forum