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Mint 20.1 clears up sharpens up and expands into cyber wonder!

Discussion in 'General Linux Discussion' started by Daniel~, May 11, 2021.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    This really can't be called a review.. I make no pretense of objectivity. These are but the mad ravings of Mint Fanboy.

    So prepare for joyous outbursts along the way.

    Lets start with my unruly fonts. I have a 55 inch do everything for me monitor. It too is a joy, but Fonts have never been kind to us.

    Nothing new, I just finally tumbled to how to properly set us up with good font fit and happiness!

    But believe me no longer having to lean way forward to read anything or explode the whole page to read it was an awful pain! So fonts done and done.

    (Free instructions upon request!)

    Last release I think it was that "Clementine" appeared in Mint.

    What a Music Player! Fonts fully sizeable and a good selection.
    Play lists easy to create. The only problem I had was that I use a separate music drive, which it does not initially let me select. But else where in it'd mammoth number of options after much discussion we were finally able to agree to use my Music drive.

    Of my 360 albums it found album covers for all but 27 of them on re-scan it picked up another! In the past I was happy to get covers for 50% of my albums.

    When I click on one it blows up to fill 1/3 of my monitor.
    (Gosh Nora Jones is pretty!)

    Screenshot from 2021-05-11 02-28-50.png

    Just a small shadow across this bright new Linux day.
    The limit on tool bar sizing has my Icons to small to be readily useful without leaning forward. But I'm still researching that...There has to be a way!

    Alas our own Booman has a real complaint!!
    Seems that behind the facade of it's icon," Screen savers"
    is an empty promise.They didn't load any screen saver
    and this is unhappy making for poor Boo!

    Oh Oh!
    I found a FireFox add on the lets you see your scroll bar again. It's Sizeable and can be colored.

    Mines a deep red running in a blue grove.Snazzy! LOL

    After going back and forth they last few releases Mint split the difference with "Driver Manger"
    Rather than Downloading Drivers in "System Update"
    Using Driver manager in system settings or main menu to get NVIDIA drivers installed.

    This time they did all three. Being rather old I have some bad history with getting drivers installed and then losing the farm.
    But no worries here.":O}

    As one might guess this has been one of the best upgrade/update experiences of my life.

    Second only to when I first, At CC's urging tried Mint
    and forgot everything else!

    Boo just reminded me, (see Below)


    I use it to mount my drives and, I think, due to my large screen and even larger fonts. Only my main drive appeared. When Maximizing, it still only showed the one. Then I realized I was up against a rather special drag and pull out the rest.
    (This has never happened before!! LOL
    I took a pic of "Disks" as it appears when one clicks on the icon...It's in my files...along with others, but this one won't load into forums. I re took the pic again, it's in my files two. it won't load either,
    That's it I'm done with Mint! LOL
    Last edited: May 11, 2021
  2. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

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    You didn't mention the Disk problems...

    Yeah, I must be looking for screensavers in the wrong place. I'll check again, but the last few versions of Mint doesn't even include them in the settings panel where they used to be. I swear there was 100 different screensavers... my favorite ws the old Apple II screensaver
  3. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Thanks Boo I updated my post.
    Oh! try Mint file manager...?

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