Outer Wilds


Well-Known Member
If you want to fly a small spaceship between planets and explore mysteries, then definitely look into this game.


I don't want to say too much because it is easy to spoil the story, but I was just amazed by this game. The solar system you are in is really cool with very unique planets, and they are all so close to each other that it just takes a few minutes to fly between them.

The game is also on sale right on Steam.
Outer Wilds looks amazing! I don't know how I missed this one?

Dude screenshots!!!

Kinda reminds me of Myst meets No Man's Sky
Putting up some screenshots I took today. Basically you just explore this solar system you are in, trying to unravel the mysteries. The planets you visit are all very unique, not exactly realistic, but that's what makes it so fun to explore. The game also uses some pretty fun physics, such as objects that change positions while you are not looking at them. I have just had a blast playing this, and the story gets pretty interesting too.

It's no longer on sale, but I really recommend looking into getting this at some point. It runs really well with Steamplay, the only issue is that the game does not handle losing focus if you run it in fullscreen. So the first time you launch the game, just go into settings and change it to run windowed, then you can tab out as often as you wish.







Wow the detail is amazing!
I can tell its a low-poly game, but they really focused on large details and small details alike.
It looks amazing!
Proton runs it well huh?
Can you run it windowed-fullscreen?
Strange, I've had better performance with games in Windowed-Fullscreen than just Fullscreen.

Were you ever able to play Warhammer 40K Space Marine?

Remember you were having issues...
I resorted to a pirated version, because it is specifically the DRM that makes Wine crash. It runs just fine if I get a cracked .exe for the game. Looking at protondb then everyone reports exactly the same, as soon as they replace the regular .exe file with a cracked one then the game runs.