Installing Curse Voice


I'm having issues. Curse doesn't want to set up and dot net does not want to install. Dotnet freezes on install via the bar but the app is stillactive.

Which dotnet are you installing?
  • Set Windows version to Windows XP when installing dotnet 3.5, 3.0, 2.0
  • Set Windows version to Windows 7 when installing dotnet 4.0, 4.5
  • Use 32-bit virtual drive
  • Setup your virtual drive first, then add the dotnet libraries one at a time later
Gave up so easily huh?
I bet we could figure it out in Wine if we spent some more time on it
Unless of course it is a Direct X 10 or 11 games
Yeah, that happens to me from time to time
I hope you learned something at least :cool:
Yeah, that happens to me from time to time
I hope you learned something at least :cool:

XDDD not really. I learned VM's were easier for applications and wine should only be used for games, again. I had already known that I think I was just reminded of it XDD
You are probably right... the only application I have used in Wine is SketchUp and it runs really well.
One of these days I will test Photoshop and/or AutoCAD
You are probably right... the only application I have used in Wine is SketchUp and it runs really well.
One of these days I will test Photoshop and/or AutoCAD

I have installed adobe lightroom before and it worked perfectly. I prefer gimp as an over all editor but I use light room with gimp to make photo's or video thumbnails
Great, good to know
I started using GIMP as well and LOVE IT!
I hope they eventually implement actions like in Photoshop
yeah, I noticed that too... brushes, effects, filters
But my wife is stuck on "actions" to do her effects.
Without something similar in GIMP, she is hesitating to even try it