Distro : Mint MATE 17.3
PoL : 4.2.10
GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 2GB GDDR5 with nvidia-352 driver
CPU : Intel Core i5-4670k
Sometimes (doesn't always happen) when I start the game, all of the characters, NPCs and monsters are missing textures... I followed the Titan Quest guide from 2013 since all I have is the disc (without the expansion) for the game to install.
PoL : 4.2.10
GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 2GB GDDR5 with nvidia-352 driver
CPU : Intel Core i5-4670k
Sometimes (doesn't always happen) when I start the game, all of the characters, NPCs and monsters are missing textures... I followed the Titan Quest guide from 2013 since all I have is the disc (without the expansion) for the game to install.