Titan Quest Missing Textures


New Member
Distro : Mint MATE 17.3
PoL : 4.2.10
GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 2GB GDDR5 with nvidia-352 driver
CPU : Intel Core i5-4670k

Sometimes (doesn't always happen) when I start the game, all of the characters, NPCs and monsters are missing textures... I followed the Titan Quest guide from 2013 since all I have is the disc (without the expansion) for the game to install.


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Hi Nadeline, the first thing I noticed was your nvidia driver version. You might want to try and update them with this guide: Nvidia Drivers

Also, I do remember this happening in the past. You may want to test Titan Quest with newer version of Wine since that guide is pretty old. Try Wine 1.8.3 or even Wine 1.9.15-staging
I installed Titan Quest this weekend and had the same problem.
The way I fixed it was turning the "Detail Level" in Video Options to: Low
Restart the game and turn it back to "High"
That seemed to fix the problem.
I also tried a few other packages like d3dx9_43, but I don't think it made a difference

Let me know if this helped
It's fixed now, thank you for the help! Updating the Nvidia drivers seemed to be the solution (I hadn't updated it at all since installing Mint last December). I use the Wine 1.9.16 version (also didn't know that using the new versions of Wine helped, so I've always just used whatever was used when installing a game from the PoL website).
Awesome! I was able to run Titan Quest on two difference machines as well.
I'm happy the game still works with newer versions of Wine.