Solforge via POL


New Member
This didn't feel like it qualified for a full guide, but I wanted to make a thread since there are 0 search results on this site for "Solforge."

The people over at the Solforge forums are who showed me that the game can work. I took a slightly different approach. Here is the quick text guide of how I got Solforge running:

  1. Install PlayOnLinux (POL) if necessary.
  2. Install Steam through POL.
  3. Launch Steam from within POL.
  4. Install Solforge from Steam.
  5. Right-click on Solforge in your Steam library and go to Properties to disable the Steam overlay.
  6. Launch Solforge so it can install most of its dependencies.
    I had to abort the vcred2012 installation after a while because it appeared stalled.
  7. If the game launches after its dependencies are installed, close it.
  8. Rename the following file to prevent Solforge from trying to install vcredist2012 every time it launches:
    /home/[username]/.local/share/wineprefixes/steam/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/SolForge/_CommonRedist/vcredist/2012/installscript.vdf
That's it. I don't have to reboot to play this game anymore. That's especially nice since sometimes I only want to log in to get my daily reward. It didn't feel worth rebooting my computer into Windows just for that.

P.S. If you don't disable the Steam overlay in step 5, the game will crash when you start typing to log in.
You can also just delete the vdf script and it won't try to install.
I didn't know you could disable the Steam Overlay from the games properties.
Nice tips!
Rename the following file to prevent Solforge from trying to install vcredist2012 every time it launches:
  1. /home/[username]/.local/share/wineprefixes/steam/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/SolForge/_CommonRedist/vcredist/2012/installscript.vdf
I discovered today that this script has moved to /home/[username]/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/SolForge/_CommonRedist/vcredist/2012/installscript.vdf.
I came up with another solution that may or may not be considered more elegant:

1. In the POL registry editor specific to Solforge, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Valve\Steam\Apps\CommonRedist\vcredist
2. Create a key (folder) called 2012 (you should see 2008 and 2010 already exist)
3. Inside the 2012 key, create a DWORD value named x86 Update 4
4. Set the DWORD value to 1


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Very nice! This worked for you?
PlayOnLinux should have packages for vcrun2010 and vcrun2012 that probably do the same thing in the registry
Yeah, you'd think. It didn't for me though, even though vcrun2012 is part of that POL partition.