Skyrim troubles [resolved]

it fixed the text issue and not starting and there is a few problems. but its starting and i can play it now. probllems i had before this text thing started was sound is fuzzy and squeaky voices the load time is longer sky ui and other things says skse not working properly. i did the install and uninstall of skse lots of times i also redownladed the others to. the menu for mods aint workin. but otherwise it plays now.
and booman have no idea howed that worked either. i dont even think i have a gig in video memory... lol. il play 30 minutes or more later have hw to do. i love you guys. almost ran out of hope for that game..
I have no idea if mods work in PlayOnLinux. The static and squeaky voices is related to Alsa and Pulseaudio.
There are several posts here about some quick fixes.
I'll have to search for them
What? How the heck did that work?
Play Skyrim for at least 30 minutes to make sure it doesn't have any problems
I'll update the name of your thread

When programs runs out of memory, it's hard for them to keep processing! I thought, "hey, maybe if he increases it it will work".

Anyway, for your stick keys problem there's a solution. I haven't tested it myself but. Turn off keyboard repeats. In the terminal, type

xset -r off

When you are done playing, remember turning it back on! Else the backspace is gonna be a tad... annoying.
what does this mean? (skyrim isnt starting at all now thats why im askin)
 Running wine-1.7.11 Steam.exe steam://rungameid/72850 (Working directory : /home/foster/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Skyrim/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
[0201/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8
[0201/] Can't retrieve a valid WinSAT assessment.
[0201/] Running without renderer sandbox
Those are normal errors. I've encountered them myself

If you are using PlayOnLinux just go to Tools -> Close all PlayOnLinux software

If you aren't using a wrapper then

$ wineserver -k

Sometimes processes hangs in WINE, it's something that commonly happens.
Could you open a new thread here? So we can isolate the issues you know, for future references.

After opening the new thread please detail the problem you are currently experiencing, screenshots included if needed.