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Oh noooo, C4 engine drops Linux support

Discussion in 'General Linux Discussion' started by Aryvandaar, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

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  2. ThunderRd

    ThunderRd Irreverent Query Chairman Staff Member

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    Yeah, it's a sad day.

  3. allenskd

    allenskd Active Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    I'd like to say that the reactions done in reddit and other linux gaming outlets are beyond childish. Boo hoo, yes, he dissed on our precious OS, no I don't think a community backlash is going to make him reconsider. Beyond that? It just looks bad on us, the whole name calling and mockery.

    Alas, that's the power of the circle jerk. I like that they even made fun of him "2k line of codes" which I'm betting none of the people commenting can come up for a 3D engine.

    Welp, just my 2cents even if it's not going to be appreciated.
  4. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    My problem with this guy isn't him dropping Linux support on his engine, but that he his calling Linux inferior when he seems to have no understanding how Linux works, which is evident in his comments about the "in windows installer", and how he blames Linux for everything that is not Linuxs fault.

    In this guy I see the same kind of attitude I see in people who have been nagging on Linux users for over 20 years. Quite frankly, I think he deserves what is coming his way (death threats and violence excluded).

    If you approach Linux users with the same kind of aggression and hostility as they have felt since they started using it, why is people demanding that Linux users pat them on the back? I think the ball should be on the other end of the park.
  5. allenskd

    allenskd Active Member

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    That pretty much can be anyone that isn't experienced in X system. God knows how many times have I heard from people starting that linux is crap without explaining what's wrong or asking for help. He wasn't even aggressive in his post, yes, he came off as arrogant that's all to it. Imho, the whole thinking that he deserves when he initially started adding linux support is mind-numbing. So now we seek out to backlash anyone that says something incorrect? I didn't know we were so fickle. Which is my point, it doesn't really help linux in any way. It just shows that it's a group of immature brats that can't take criticism of any type and will retaliate any time we get "hurt". The post has been blown out of proportions, like it always happens in the internet. Imho, this isn't even about him being "aggressive", just him saying that linux is inferior that rustled everyone's jimmies.
  6. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

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    I won't stand for that kind of arrogance, and the guy isn't just a little arrogant, he's extremely arrogant. The way he prance about with his expert opinions and pretending he has a lot of knowledge when he absolutely does not.

    And neither will I stand for that kind of misinformation. I'm sick and tired of people bashing Linux when they have no idea what they are talking about. Freedom of speech does not mean that you can stop thinking and just spew crap.

    The ones who hurt Linux are people like this guy, so yes, I intend to fight people like that. Remember, he started it, I didn't. If he had approached it in a constructive way I wouldn't care.

    Calling something inferior when you have no knowledge of it is so wrong.
  7. allenskd

    allenskd Active Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Uhh, sure. I disagree with pretty much what you just said. At ease though, I don't plan to push it any further since it's obvious we'll be disagreeing and arguing for a while and it's not really going to get us anywhere.

    This goes both ways, by the way.
  8. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    Well, of course it does. Out of curiosity, what are you aiming at in particular?
  9. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

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    That seems to be the majority of posts on the internet these days from the public.
    I don't even read YouTube comments anymore because there is nothing but rants and gibberish.
    Seems like the internet has opened up a new world of Idle chatter and yet, everyone is an expert... right?

    The only comments I like to make are regarding Linux Gaming, SketchUp, Photoshop/GIMP & computer hardware. Because I've spent countless hours messing with them. I used to spend a lot of time recording music and mixing tracks, but its been over 10 years. So I don't consider myself an expert any longer.

    Sorry for the digression...
    Thanks guys keeping your cool :cool:
  10. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

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    Youtube is a lost cause. Sometimes with other medium I feel that need to step in and say that I don't think this is right. I do not approve of oppression of any group, and that people generalize and stereotype a group. This is basically what Linux as a community is facing from this guy, and news sites are patting him on the back for it.

    I don't usually use twitter, well almost never actually, because 140 letters is not enough to write proper responses, and I do prefer more serious platforms like forums.

    The only people who do that regularly are people who lack perception, and I find this quite infuriating. They are unable to see a person as their own person even if they do belong within a group.

    I belong in many kinds of groups, as we all do, why should I feel bad about what other people do who like the same things as I do? This is basically what this guy is saying (later tweets).

    I'm not responsible for anyone else actions but my actions.
  11. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

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    Youtube is an advertising tool for most people. There are a few educational videos with a higher purpose (Like my Guide games of course) but most videos are junk. Google knew this would happen. I've noticed any site with "comments" get bombarded with junk comments. Its sad...
    50 years from now 90% of what is said on the internet will be a wasteland of trash.

    So I try not to waste time getting involved in flame wars online.
    I would rather take a second to encourage a developer or linux noob.
  12. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

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    I love helping people and sharing what little knowledge I do have, but it depends on the person in the other end. I'm not interested in helping ignorant or arrogant noobs. In general I don't like to associate with ignorant or arrogant people in a friendly way, and I usually prefer to ignore them, but sometimes I feel that I have to say something.

    It's important for me to speak up when enough is enough, and I won't accept being stepped on, be it through personal attacks, judging me because some people who do bad things like the same thing as me or use misinformation and wrong facts about what I love. The latter is one of these cases.

    Also, if no one is going to stand up for us Linux people, then we have to stand up for ourselves. We have to tell people that the crusade against Linux that have gone one for decade (s) has to stop.
  13. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

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    I don't mind people stepping on me, its more a fear of confrontation
    I also don't get offended very easily. Mostly because the "offender" doesn't really know what they are talking about.
    So I let things go easily and move on.
    Sometimes I think a lot of time we spend on defending ourselves could be used on something more productive.

    A lot of controversies is based upon trolling, bantering and debating. Instead of spending all that time talking, just prove it to them by doing. Actions can speak louder than words these days.

    Obviously I'm more of an "action" person than a "talking" person
  14. Aryvandaar

    Aryvandaar Active Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    I know, right? If someone says that you're an asshole, and if this is not true then the guy is just lying through his teeth, if he is right, then he is speaking a fact. Either way, getting offended for either is quite illogical.

    I'm also a very fleeting person. I forgive very easily because there is no reason to dwell on such things, and it's quite illogical, it just makes you feel bad. That is how I am now, but I used to have anger issues. I never were violent, but I often got so angry that people around me got very afraid of me. Even though I have gotten rid if it, there are a few times where I can't help myself, and that is when I feel the need to defend myself or someone else.

    One of the very few things that really grinds my gears are people who use wrong facts and are being illogical and emotional in serious topics / discussion. In most cases I simply ignore people I deem to be illogical and unreasonable because you can't discuss in a logical or reasonable way with people like that, but sometimes I feel that I have to say what I stand for. Sometimes I have to stop and say, "wait a minute, this is not right", because I can't live and not stand for something, and standing for something sometimes mean that you have to engage in a conflict.
  15. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

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    I can definitely respect where you are coming from. Sounds like you have a lot of honor standing for what is right.

    I too am quick to forgive because if you dwell on people sinning against you... you are only hurting yourself.
    I am very logical as well. I'm always looking as perspectives from both sides in order to gain enough knowledge to find a solution. I'm a good problem solver this way. Never putting down one side or seeing my view as superior.
    My wife gets annoyed because I'm always trying to tell her how to fix something...
    I can't help it, just something I'm good at. I can't fix everything, but can definitely provide solutions from common sense, research and personal experience.

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