I'm inclined to see darkness all around me. Thank God that a few people in places of power really care about killing off corruption!
It's just that they seem so very rare upon the ground and evil flourishes from sea to shining sea.
That is a public illusion. It's because the corrupt do all the talking. No one knew who our ambassadors were in the Ukraine... until they rose up against Trummy and what he was trying to do to their sweat song of service to you and I.
For every elected official there are thousands of common folk doing the work of our governance.
We have an openly treasonous political party. Without the corrupt senate hiding their heads up each others asses Trump would have been gone in his first 3 months. I very much doubt that Putin ONLY owns one guy in our government.
It has been and will continue to be, a crime a day. Trump won't stop because he can't stop. For whatever reason he is a slave to Putin and his own idiocy, he will continue until he is stopped
Once out of office his life will be consumed by criminal charges, trials and prison..
A half a dozen states are contemplating weather they really have to wait until he is out of office because...they don't.
NOTHING in our constitution says you can not indict and convict a sitting pres. Nothing.
The main idea was that a foreign gov. might bribe our pres...THAT"S why we have impeachment as a basic tenant of our constitution, to stop foreign interference.republicans have been cheating on elections since we were kids. it must have seemed natural to them to use foreign influence. How many of them are compromised?
As many as took Putin's help, We now see Putin finger prints all over Brexit.
But there will be an accounting.