[News] Crytek Showing Off CryEngine On Linux At GDC

There are so many engines that games use nowadays that such a program would probably take a few years just to debug let alone program. I thought of this a while back. Maybe if we start a funding program on kickstarter to fund such a project. It will probably be a major deal. We will need support from several big gaming companies. Are you prepared to volunteer lots of time and effort to a project this size? Maybe Valve corp. would be interested.

Another idea would be to get Steam for Linux to embed PlayOnLinux for games that don't run natively on Steam for Linux.
Crytek has been my go to dev since Far Cry.

But to be honest I'm amazed by what the industry as a whole is accomplishing.. Even when the story or game play sucks, the eye candy seldom lets me down.":O}
is this stuff real? If Microsoft is supporting Linux then I'm sure they won't care if they loose games to Linux and Wine
That link is to a Linux Journal article and there are other links on that page to other articles. Looks like Microsoft may have seen the light finally. I recommend guarded optimism, as their history with us is terrible. Lets not take Microsoft's gift horse into the city walls of Troy just yet. Lol

Who ever said never look a gift horse in the mouth, obviously wasn't thinking about Micro$oft.
The Linux version of SQL Server will not have full functionality, at least not initially. That actually makes sense, since most people are going to be interested in the core functionality rather than the extra bells and whistles (most of which are going to be Windows-specific and much harder to port to Linux anyway).

However, make no mistake; Microsoft hasn't suddenly 'seen the light' of Linux. They are doing this because it's either support SQL Server on Linux, or concede a big chunk of the cloud services market to Oracle and Amazon. Likewise with their development tools; they aren't supporting Linux with Visual Studio because they are nice guys, they are doing it because other cross-platform tools are eating into their market share and getting good enough to be a potential threat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that Microsoft has finally moved into the 21st century, albeit grudgingly. But this is still Microsoft, and it's going to be a LONG time before there is a real culture shift there.
They are just afraid they might loose a few sales and since they are greed driven then this there sad legacy. Chasing the all mighty dollar is self destructive in the end. Just watch a few decades from now if they keep this greed driven nonsense up they will get too blotted and their financial base will implode!
Its nice that it will never be said about open-source
I know money pushes things along a lot faster and more support, but corruption isn't part of the game because there is nothing to monopolize.
Hate to disagree here guys, but corruption IS part of the game, it's just that with open source the corruption comes through a different path. As soon as people figure how to effectively game the system, they will. That's how it has always been, and until human nature changes that is how it will be.
Good point and I'm not surprised either. Open Source always seems nice because you know they aren't taking your money.
But even free software has a way to earn profits.
Wait! there's a baby in that bathwater!
Linux comes to us as free as the wind and as pure as the snow.
What we do with that gift is on us.

MS comes to us as a marauder and a parasite.
What good we are able to do with it has little to do with the intentions that spawned it.

Evil awaits us at every turn in all we do.

But while some acts attract evil by way of their goodness...
Others are evil by way of their intentions towards goodness.

I have never in the lest felt that Mr. Gates meant me well.
How can one doubt the intentions of one such as Linus
Who asks for nothing more than that we should share
in peace what he has put before us.

The MS model will always be on the attack.
Linux wins when she ignores those attacks and continues in her development.

It's not just what is being developed here.
It is how it's being developed.

Linux has an entirely different view of the world and how real progress can be made. And what progress looks like.
I can tell you Mint is your friend. Is MS my friend?
Remember that 'Linux' is only the kernel itself. The rest [the userland software] is most likely 'GNU'.

There are several hundred distros currently, and not all of them are free [as in 'cost-free'], either. The Linux kernel was adopted by the GNU project, which pre-dated it by at least five years. Basically, it was adopted because their own kernel wasn't particularly good, and Linus's was better.

Someone is making money with it; do you believe that all the devices that now use GNU/Linux are using it free [as in cost-free]?

The opportunities for profit in the free [as in 'freedom'] software community will continue. We can only hope that no one corrupts the ideal.
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I upgraded to Kubuntu 16.04 yesterday. It has an connection problem - looses IP - . Only solution so far is a cold reboot... until next time.
Remember that 'Linux' is only the kernel itself. The rest [the userland software] is most likely 'GNU'.

There are several hundred distros currently, and not all of them are free [as in 'cost-free'], either. The Linux kernel was adopted by the GNU project, which pre-dated it by at least five years. Basically, it was adopted because their own kernel wasn't particularly good, and Linus's was better.

Someone is making money with it; do you believe that all the devices that now use GNU/Linux are using it free [as in cost-free]?

The opportunities for profit in the free [as in 'freedom'] software community will continue. We can only hope that no one corrupts the ideal.

First, Thank you for the quick history lesson, I really didn't know that!

I don't mind in the lest if someone produces something of value to the Linux community and wants to get paid. We all have eat!
I would pay for my Linux OS. It's far better than the OS's I did pay for. But being poor I'm exceedingly grateful my poverty does not stand between me and the software I wish to use.

I can't begin to estimate how much it would have cost me to stay with Windows.
Yet I have a fuller richer computing environment than I've ever had before.... Mint makes me feel rich!

Anything I want and have the wit to use is mine!! ":O}

There of course will abuse in one form or another, there always is...Great Good attracts great evil.
But I really believe that what began in goodness as a gift to mankind will be able to preserve itself in the face of all opposition.

This is the real gift (IMHO) Linus gave us when he sacrificed all personal profit to ensure that his creation would not only survive but one day thrive and help us to to thrive.
This post was not meant to disagree with anything that's been posted here. I just wanted to get my 2cents in ":O}
Linus didn't 'sacrifice' anything.

I hate to burst your bubble, Daniel, but Linus is IMMENSELY wealthy because of Linux. Red Hat made him rich with stock options, and he draws a huge salary from the Linux Foundation. His net worth is in excess of $140 million. Don't think he's some pauper living in a shoe box, coding for the greater good.

Not that I don't think he deserves it; he does. But don't fool yourself for a minute; it has made and continues to make him very, very wealthy. He's not doing it free [anymore].
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I think its awesome to make money doing free software, open-source and nonprofit.
Someone always pays for it, but the customer gets the product or service for free.

Like I always thought... "some things are just meant to be free"

The rest of the world wants to make money from everything and anything. Just gets old because of corruption and greed
How can one doubt the intentions of one such as Linus
Who asks for nothing more than that we should share
in peace what he has put before us.

Again, not to rain on the parade, but Linus built Linux as a RESEARCH project (so, yeah, he built it for himself). He put the code out for people to play with, true, but it is at least arguable that was because at the time there WAS no commercial value for his hobbyist project.

Once it took off, there was no real way to put the genie back in the bottle. To his credit, he hasn't really TRIED, either; rather he has recognized the opportunities that exist and 'gone with the flow'.

Contrast this with, e.g. the Gnome 3 development team. This also is an open source project, but there is no way you can convince me those guys are in it for anyone but themselves. They are patently NOT listening to the users.