Linux Mint Debian 201303 and installing Multiarch - need some help!


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I've been messing around with mint Debain and REALLY REALLY like it!!

From Mint Site:
4. How does LMDE compare to the Ubuntu-based editions?

  • You don’t need to ever re-install the system. New versions of software and updates are continuously brought to you.
  • It’s faster and more responsive than Ubuntu-based editions.
  • LMDE requires a deeper knowledge and experience with Linux, dpkg and APT.
  • Debian is a less user-friendly/desktop-ready base than Ubuntu. Expect some rough edges.
  • No EFI, GPT or secureBoot support.
  • 3. What is a semi-rolling distribution?

    Updates are constantly fed to Debian Testing, where users experience frequent regressions but also frequent bug fixes and improvements. LMDE receives “Update Packs” which are tested snapshots of Debian Testing. Users can experience a more stable system thanks to update packs, or switch their sources to follow Testing, or even Unstable, directly to get more frequent updates"
I have installed everything I use and it all runs GREAT!! I have but one problem that keeps me from dropping Mint 15 (ubuntu) in it favor as my main OS. "see first picture"

I have tried and tried to install Multiarch "see second picture" and get no respect, no response for that matter. Naturally this leaves me dead in the water as far as Games and POL goes, so I can't do any further comparisons. I really think this maybe a real improvement over Ubuntu as far as games go, so I see this of some importance.

Boo has tried to help me get this done but wasn't able to... So I'm calling on GOL's big guns for help
(You know who I think you are!! ":O}

There has to be a way to in stall 32 bit packages. Just using 32 bit Mint debain is not an option! It's crappy in FAH and I don't know how to simply:

32bit bug report:

Multi-core and multi-CPU support in 32-bit kernel

To guarantee compatibility with non-PAE processors, the 32-bit versions of Linux Mint Debian come with a 486 kernel by default. This kernel does not support SMP, and as a consequence is only able to detect one core and one CPU. If your CPU has multiple cores, or if you have more than one CPU, simply install the 686-PAE kernel and reboot your computer."

How do I get 32 bit support in 64 bit Debain!?

As always your help will be much appreciated but uncompensated! ":O}

(I really need this!)

As far as I've gotten with this:


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I ran it on virtual box. I liked it. I may have gone farther with it but you guys pointed me to Linux Mint 14 and now I am on 15. Mostly ain't looked back.
But if it works better I'll jump on it.
It's noticeably a bit quicker, but the Multiarch problem has to be solved before we can use her for games.
hmmm, well steam works, but not without the usual error? See pic.

I'm setting upa new install of Mint D. Playonlinux site offer some choices when it come to debain. Can anyone say which repository mint Debain uses?

Mint Debain site


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Close...but no cigar! ":O}

If you look at the POL download pic, each set of terminal instructions is for a different Repository Wheezy, squeeze,Lenny, depending upon which version of Debain you are using, I don't know which type Mint D uses.

What you are looking at are mirror sites you can download Mint Debain from. But thank you for not letting me languish in loneliness.":O}
Thanks TR. OK then I should install Wine 386 before installing POL then... I have a fresh install I can try that on.
I did! I did keep trying, now just look at me ! With mud all in my face! ":O}

I think Debain is just going to have to work a little harder at meeting me half way. But that that's the beauty part! They will keep trying! ":O}