Lenovo Thinkpad E460 - Linux Mint 17.3

I totally agree!
AMD driver performance has been pushing gamers away. Its hard enough to convince Windows gamers to move away from Windows, but AMD drivers aren't helping at all.
This election seems to have gone out of its way to bring out the absolute worst in BOTH parties. I can't express how utterly heartbroken I am to see my countrymen actively supporting EITHER of these cadidates.
Different candidates same corporate finance!
I thing they (The obscenely wealthy, the class that first backed Hitler are testing the waters, How Vile can they be in there intentions and still find enough stupid people to Vote for it...or to think they did.
Trump is not a candidate so much as a mass intelligence test.

There Will Be consequences !
Different candidates same corporate finance!
I thing they (The obscenely wealthy, the class that first backed Hitler are testing the waters, How Vile can they be in there intentions and still find enough stupid people to Vote for it...or to think they did.
Trump is not a candidate so much as a mass intelligence test.

There Will Be consequences !
OH! Sorry are we done with this part of the thread!? ":O}
I guess threads go where they're pushed or pulled? Mebbe we should see if "the horror, the horror!" of our presidential "choices" continues here?
Defeat Trump,The world is dying! vote for mediocrity while we still can!
Just think, the last woman president! ":O}
I'm thinking of voting for none of the above. Maybe I should write-in Daffy Duck? Mighty short on good temper--but the world is too it seems.
I wish we could George!
But we can't!

Hilary is a dead spot in progress, a stall, a continuation of what is killing us...In my view it's to late to save much of the world as we have known it. But even as I think it's to late....most politicians and those who buy and sell them thing we can wait to start doing anything.
Hilary is no Bernie...but she's no trump either.
She just wants to rule the world at any cost!
Trump wants to watch it BURN!

Hilary wants to run things and have the admiration of the world and I have no doubt she would do just about anything to anyone to do that and to have that as her very own.

Trump... will measure his success by the hight of the
flaming inferno.

I try to avoid or at lest save the hyperbolic for my sense of humor.

I truly believe that electing trump will replace Hitler in history as the dumbest, most spiteful and truly evil move on the part of a free population. We would be, either by voting for him or refusing to vote all,
handing him the matches and a can of gas.

If this great evil comes to pas we must be able to say we voted, not just spoke, but voted against it.

I also think the end of climate sstability is far closer than I ever imagined it would be in my life time.

We can't have an idiot running things just when they really start to fall apart!!

I thing and I could be wrong, but I thing things will REALLY start to fall apart in the next5 years.
Suck it up George because as my friend the I-Ching says:

"When things go wrong all that really matters (Morally) is that it not be our fault."

Sigh...a vote for Hillary is a get out of moral culpability free card if Donald ever strikes the match.
We have to try to save all that can be saved George, for as long as it can be save...it's duty, we don't have to like it.

I know you agree George. it's just such a bitter pill in such desperate times!

The wheel is still in spin...

"The wheel grinds slowly, but exceedingly fine."

So let us bitch every step of the way while we hold our noses
until duty is done.":O}
Yet the truth is that both of the front-runners are monsters. Hillary is chomping at the bit for a war with Russia. She is that power mad and crazy. Hard to forecast which would be worse. War with Russia equals death to all. The Donald means stepping back to all things that are bad--except war. Screw them both. If there was a divine power you'd think that both would be the rulers of Mars and unknown here.

It's fine that some people believe, it's their right.
I personally don't see Hillary as a war monger....She won't blow us up just as she gains her temple at last.
Hey! This is her turn, she's owed this!! More like to blow up the world if she looses! ":O}

Trump, as one grieving Gold star parent said, He's got a black soul.

Hilary hates anyone who gets in the way of her climbing her ladder.
Trump wants to see this world burn.

He was asked what sacrifices he has made and his answer was that he built profitable business and he hired lots of people.

He went on in this vain until it was painfully clear he had no idea what the word sacrifice means.

It means you get nothing back for what you give, A concept Trump simply can't grasp except a s a losers failure.
But we each must walk this path as we think best...because I can't force you to do what I want.":O}

But I think smearing the parents of an One of our countries heroes will ultimately Finnish him.
Sorry to extend this unpleasantness. A simple historic examination reveals Hillary's and Obama's love of death and destruction. Obama was smart enough to stay out of Libya, perhaps the most civilized and nice to inhabit of African nations, btw.
But Hillary talked him into destroying that country. And laughed at news of the horrific torture and execution of Gaddafi. He was in all truthful accounts the best loved leader in Africa. Far more popular than Trump or Clinton. Don't believe a word of Major Media "news."

Speaking as a veteran of one of my country's wars, if Trump's asinine and shameless attitude against a dead American soldier is the straw that breaks his most hideous back---hooray!