League of Legends Guide


New Member
Hi there,
got a problem. Whenever I start LoL via playonlinux it just disappears. I start it, then the icon is for about 1/4s there and then it just closes itself as if I had chosen to do so. The patcher won't even appear and therefor I cant even patch the game. I tried several versions of wine (1.7.9; 1.7-LeagueOfLegends; 1.6rc4; 1.5.24-LeagueOfLegendsShop). I also tried using different versions of Windows (W8, W7 and WinXP). Everything I tried up til now didnt change anything.
Any ideas how to get it to work?

I use:
Linux Mint 16 / 64bit
i3 330M
Mobility Radeon HD 5430
4Gbyte DDR3

I did play it on Ubuntu 11.04 about a year ago and it worked fine with me.
Hi ShameShame. Welcome to the forum!
I moved this post to the PlayOnLinux area.

Are you able to play any games on your computer?

Glad to see you are using Mint 16. I'm going to be updating when Mint 17 is available.
By the way, since you are using the 64-bit version, you will probably have to install the 32-bit libraries for games to run.
Almost all games are only 32-bit compatible.