James Cameron sued by artist Roger Dean over Avatar


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Hollywood director James Cameron has been sued by British artist Roger Dean for $50m (£33m) over claims he copied ideas for the 3D film Avatar.

Mr Dean, who designed album covers for the likes of prog-rock bands Yes and Asia, filed a legal action at a court in New York last week.

He has accused Cameron of "wilful and deliberate copying, dissemination and exploitation" of his original images.

Story here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-23117197

He should add World of Warcraft to the list.
Not really sure how much traction this has, as I've not seen the images. However, floating islands and 'arches in the sky' have been depicted in art for literally hundreds of years, so it would have to be pretty blatant to be ruled as copying.

The thing that struck me was how similar the 'Avatar' story and 'Midworld' by Alan Dean Foster were. There are differences, to be sure, but there are also striking similarities. It seems obvious that 'Avatar' was at least inspired by 'Midworld', but it's a different enough work that one would have to argue very strenuously that it is a ripoff.
Given Cameron's profit margin...he can afford to pay him off if he needs to...":O}
There's a lot of visual similarity, so much so that when I watched the movie I was certain he must have been hired to work on it. But, no, not so much as a mention.

It's as if they have drawn upon his work for almost everything. Not just the basic concept of floating islands, but the colors shapes, the shapes of the trees. The visual dynamics of it.

As well as all the scenery, see how similar the dragons and beasts are.

One of Roger Dean's dragons: http://www.foreverdyingbrightly.com/blog/wp-content/gallery/randoms/morning_dragon.jpg

See how it has wings like an insect, butterfly or dragonfly.

An Avatar dragon: http://wallpaperfast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Avatar-Dragons-Flying-HD-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg

Again, insect like wings, rather than the standard bat like wings.

And of course, they all live in a giant tree: http://www.geocities.jp/marhenjp/roger_dean_2.jpg
Looks like Cams ego may have demanded credit that belonged to another, for some, enough is never enough...why is that?
I have to be honest; I'm not an artist, but as a layman, while I see similarity I don't see blatant ripoff.

And you geocities link takes me to a japanese yahoo page.
Seems there is a debt to be paid to the Chinese here...":O}

Yes, except all the old Chinese folklore works are not in copyright.

Dean's artwork is in copyright, and Cameron may have already shot himself in the foot...

Entertainment Weekly asked director James Cameron whether he got his idea for the floating mountains from a Yes cover, and he laughed. "It might have been... Back in my pot-smoking days."
Copyright does not protect concepts, and it really seems to me like Dean is upset that he feels Cameron stole his concepts, not his artwork. Patent is for concepts, or more specifically, for practical implementations of concepts (there's a lot of stuff that is patented that IMO shouldn't have ever been allowed; much of what is currently being patented would be more appropriately protected by copyright, if at all).

I'm sorry, but (and it pains me greatly to say this, having been on the other side of the argument) I really don't see Dean winning this, at least not based on what I've seen so far.

Cameron might have stolen Dean's CONCEPT (and even that is highly arguable, given that Dean wasn't even CLOSE to the first to imagine floating islands, or dragons with different wing styles), but I really don't see that Cameron lifted Dean's artwork.

However, IANAL, and what matters is what Dean can prove in court.
A bit off topic, but Dragon related... Gizmo would mind, or do you have the time to Get MY Dragon by Pitch from AOA and install in my GOL space?
Danrok, I sense that you a fan of Dean's artwork, So I'm rooting for him...":O}
A bit off topic, but Dragon related... Gizmo would mind, or do you have the time to Get MY Dragon by Pitch from AOA and install in my GOL space?

Err..........sure...........what are you on about again?
Look at any of my AOA posts and you will see the "Dragon permeates heaven" in picture in my signature, Well you put that there after Pitch created it for me... Can you now put in in my GOL signature?


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