ISS dumps MS--goes Linux

Not too many other options when you're 250-odd miles away from the nearest computer hardware store and travelling at 17.5-thousand mph (or thereabouts).
I suppose that they could have ordered Win 10 and have Amazon deliver it. Is there isn't anything Mr Bezos can't do?
Yes, grow a heart.
Sorry.... not sorry


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Thank you for the post (#4) above, nice laugh!

Chances are that the ISS's PC's are rather old. XP was quite a while ago.
Yup, no surprise!
Linux can run on any hardware anywhere...
I assume that the ISS grabs a close by satellite to use the Net. It'd be strange to me to simply use the web from ~250 miles above and at 17,500 MPH. I guess it shouldn't?
I know...MS should donate brand new PC's to the ISS. And they HAVE to make sure that the equipment is 100% Linux compatible! Win10 PUHLEASE, what a piece of carap!
Think they know enough to install mint? Maybe some one should warn them about Fedora drivers? ":O}
Oops, forgot to add that the PC's have to be equipped with the very best of hot hardware needed for a first rate machines.
But reliability is obviously extremely important.