Installing Resident Evil 5!

Yeah... That's true. But - how good programer are you? Could you unlock its code and find it's shaders? And tell each of them. Maybe you know where they might be located? Or... Do you have access to MT Frameworks engine?
Not a programmer at all, so can't help you there. I was thinking more on-the-lines of tweaking configuration files. Most games have them hidden here and there.
UDK has a lot of configuration files where you can tweak everything in the game.
Not sure about MT Framework since this is the first I've heard of it.

Are you eventually going to upgrade your video card?
Somedey, when I get money... Usually my current GPU acts good, I can run AC director's cut in 1080p with high(not ultra) settings and AA off with solid 20-30 FPS, Blender usually gives me 30 FPS in games I make. Yeah, but it is not enaugh when I start to make high-poly scenes, use high-resolution shadow maps(rendering them in 4K(4096x4096) uses SO much of GPU) or when I use UE4, however, in UE4 my 3.4GHz quadcore CPU looks like acting strange, but maybe it is RAM which slows down some proccesses(6GB). I am not sure why, but UE4 is very slow for me, compiling shaders almost for 10 mins, so slow building... And after UE4 I have to restart computer because he acts like he would have carried tons of stuff on his back. I don't know what fault is it! That's why I don't use UE4 for now, 90% Blender, at spare time testing out some stuff in Unity)!
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I didn't have much time to find all the stuff and search for fixes, but I have one possible reason why Resident Evil 5 acts like this - it's color management may not be working on Linux. Just an idea, but maybe someone could take a look?
I've never looked at color management, but there are two places you could do some tweaking...
Try your Nvidia Display Manager and Color in Setting
Yeah, I can't wait to play around with Unity and not have to dual-boot.
I just came here to look at some things that I had done here. And wow! My English has been so horrible:D

So I've got a new laptop now(see my specs).
I installed Steam in POL, set the Wine to 1.9.3-staging. Installed d3d_compiler43, d3dx9, wmp10, wmp9, dotnet 20, dotnet 40, xact. I installed RE5 in the Steam. Now I press Play, but nothing happens. It's not opening up. I can't find what I didn't do now that I did before.