Gentoo on My Lappy

I assume your going to all this trouble because you can't use Mint...Am I correct?

Eh, what? NO! I said up above that I'm on Mint 18.3 now.

The only reason I was using Fedora before is because
1) It's what I know.
2) It's what I've used on my desktop since like Fedora Core 6
3) I work with a lot of Redhat systems

However, I'm on Mint now because Fedora has become unusable for me.
Don't feel bad Bucky, Fedora was almost always unusable for me...something I'm sure you already knew! LOL
Thanks for the confirmation Gizmo. I'll stick with Fedora on my server.
Sad that they can't get around to optimize it for desktop home use
Had they done so, Mint might never have been born. and we would be waiting for Fedora to screw everything up again! ":O}