Yeah for disgrace wine needs so much cpu power: For example 4 alus with 2 shared fpus + too slow L2 and L3 cache memory latency like as your fx dont help so much Wine use more strong fpu with higher frecuency and high ipc + rapid L2 and L3 cache memory latency as occur on intel cpus Respect FPS in linux, i use steam overlay (previously selected steam overlay in game on steam preferences) If your game dont stay on steam (wine case) can be added using add non steam game to steam library option (also can create subsections for different type of game if you wish) In my case have installed internet explorer 7, media player 10, net framework 3.5sp1, directx9 jun 2010, vc++ redist 2005-2008sp1-2010sp1, openal, normal physx, legacy physx, lav filters 0.67, eax, flash player 20 firefox/active x, java 8, 7zip and some libraries when needs specify native in wineconfig for some app And some registers for limit pixel shader, vertex shader, use glsl, offscreen rendering mode, strict draw order (needed in some games case sonic generations) and vga size memory However this settings are easily configurated on playonlinux