Do you use any other Linux forums?

I have heard great many things about OpenSuse community forums and I've been meaning to give them a try, even though I'm mostly a full time Debian user.

OpenSuse was my 2nd distro, and I was a part of an unofficial OpenSuse forum called or something (and they even offered their users a e-mail). The people there was really cool and nice. The reason that I stopped using it was because shamefully I started using Linux less and less.
OpenSuse was my first distro. I was using it out of curiosity because my work setup a web server with SuSE on it. So I wanted to see what a Linux distro would be like on my home computer.
Funny that I never really joined a forum for Linux, just kinda played around with it and tried hosting some games like Battlefield 2 on my LAN.
I'm fundamentally anti-social. I'll go on a forum if I have to in order to get some info, but other than that I tend to just hang out here.