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Debian / Fedora Megathread!

Discussion in 'General Linux Discussion' started by Aremis, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Aremis

    Aremis Member

    May 31, 2014
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    In that head to head battle in the megathread with that fedora wearing neckbeard again? Talk about your stuff here man!

    What do you do in your OS mostly?

    Tell us about your stuff man!
  2. allenskd

    allenskd Active Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    I'm just not sure why is there a versus between those two though... only thing I would say is that I had library problems with Fedora 20, yum is pretty cool even though I don't agree with the naming convention of their libraries/applications, it provides a great implementation of GNOME 3. Honestly Fedora is really polished.

    Debian? I think the desktop experience in Debian is lagging behind a lot. It doesn't compare one bit to Fedora. In terms of libraries/applications I don't really care much. I know my way around Debian and I don't think it'll change really much. There are some policies that are pretty stupid... and I find that Debian needs to adopt some sort of semi-rolling model to include minor bug fixes in applications/libraries, which is something Ubuntu and Fedora does well. Stable is rock solid, there's no doubt about that.

    Between RPMFusion and PPAs (I'm using Kubuntu right now, you can also mix PPAs with debian as long as you take precautions). I would say that PPAs just wins and has a wider variety. In terms of stability (less breakage) RPMFusion wins.

    As for usage, don't expect anything out of this world. I don't think every user using linux is a programmer or loves to toy with nerdy stuff.

    - Casual usage (web browsing, checking emails, etc)
    - Programming (IDEs, vim)
    - Watching series (smplayer)
    - Listening music with mpd
    - Playing in emulators (pcsx2, dolphin)
    - Chatting in Skype and Steam
    - Do college work either in LibreOffice or Office

    Pretty casual stuff! I think my days of tweaking configurations and checking the latest stuff are slowly going away.
  3. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    My Fedora 16 system is on a SuperMicro tower server with RAID 5. I have about 1 Terabyte of space for all of my data:
    • pictures
    • movies
    • music
    • game archives
    • art
    • other
    I also setup a 1 Terabyte drive internally for my backups. I use FWbackups to copy files to the backup drive. Then I manually copy them to an external drive.

    I also use Fedora as a dedicated LAN gaming server. I will host games like:
    • Battlefield 2
    • Unreal Tournament 3
    • The Ship
    • Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
    • Counter-Strike: Source
    • Quake Wars
    • Doom 3 Cooperative
  4. Aremis

    Aremis Member

    May 31, 2014
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    I put fedora and debian together because they are both very popular and red hat and debian used to compete.

    The saying used to be that if you started in linux you either used redhat or debian. Now there are an endless amount of OS's.
  5. booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    My first distro was SuSE. We had a webserver and the IT contractor installed Linux SuSE on it. so I started learning about Linux. Then I installed OpenSuSE on an extra desktop and started messing with it.
    After that I went to Fedora 8 and started setting up my first server. This was in 2005 or 2006
    Aremis likes this.

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