Adventures in VM's - Why we beat ourselves daily with a pen


I get bored easily.

What do I do when I'm bored?

Homework, house work, barn work, or play in slackware and hate myself. But there is one thing that I always do to make fun of myself with.


So I have a game for you. Find some random ass OS for me to open in VB, tell me something to do in the os (aside from something that makes no sense and is ultimately a more dense thought than a black hole) and I will try to do it.

Make a game out of it.

Get it? Gaming in linux?

But no really give me an OS and I'll do whatever youi want me to do ion it. Maybe you want me to do something specific that you're stuck on in slackware? Maybe something broke in arch and you want ME to try and break it and fix it! (I've broken a lot of stuff in arch this week I can probably relate. Maybe you just want me to do somethingf really retarded.

I dunno, try me woman.
Here is something crazy!
Setup a LAN game with DOSbox and play Heretic or Hexen deathmatch over IPX between two computers running two different Linux OS's in two different VB sessions on the same computer!
Really? You have run two VM's with different operating systems and played a game over IPX? Thats crazy!
Well not over ipx, but I ran windows 2k and xp on one vm and played minecraft on each of them. I had to pull out another network card because they routed through my LAN card.
thats funny, pretty clever! I'm kinda surprised that minecraft runs in Win2000
I have played Warcraft, Doom II, Hexen and Heretic via IPX in Windows XP. Works great and isn't very hard to setup.
This was in the last 6 years too. Its amazing how you can still use those old protocols even today.
IPX is actually a "Shared Game" protocol. Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced uses IPX. All it does is give NPC's that other players create to play with. The old medal of honor PC games were based for IPX as well. I also know for a fact that frostbite 2 games such as Battlefield Bad Company 2 use IPX as it's networking feature. BC2 uses IPX-AR though (not a gun joke). AR allows YOU to host the server, mainly, and other people to play it, but the other people also host the servers. It's like using multicast with a 3D map and hit boxes, which is essentially all it is really.

I did game dev research for a few years .w.
IPX was the protocol that Novel used for the network layer up until the late 90s. It is used in a LOT of games for the same reasons that Novel used it for so long: it has low memory and resource requirements for the client and doesn't require anything significant in the way of configuration. You can literally have a network configure itself, provided it is small. This makes it idea for gaming lan parties and that sort of thing.

Unfortunately, IPX's simplicity has proven to be its Achilles heel: it can't scale out to really large networks. Once TCP/IP got working BOOTP and DHCP, IPX was pretty much done except for specialized uses.
Yeah. IPX is still good to work with. In games that use chainlink services like IPX, or at least based on the way IPX works, they don't really die. Bad company 2 is a good example of that.

It's more up to the users if anything else. That and PSN is pretty much a wide scale VPN.

Where is the love for your Linux comrades? Ohhh, that stings. :(

We must stand together against the great evil that is Apple and Microsoft.

The only thing that is secure about gentoo is that people would get bored reading the eight miles.
Please, please people. Get your terminology right.

We don't install Gentoo.

We BUILD it.
Well, unlike all you academic [sniff] types, I'm self-taught - and I've learned more in my 5 years with Gentoo than I ever would have using another distro. And I actually used UNIXen in the university [a long time ago].

YMMV, though. Wear a cup.

Well...not you, Aremis.
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Well, unlike all you academic [sniff] types, I'm self-taught - and I've learned more in my 5 years with Gentoo than I ever would have using another distro. And I actually used UNIXen in the university [a long time ago].

YMMV, though. Wear a cup.

Well...not you, Aremis.

I'm not an academic type either. Learned it all myself. In the brief time that I've used Gentoo & Funtoo I've learned a lot.