500 games on Steam for Linux with much more on the way

EA were voted the "Worst company in America" two years in a row on the consumerist. I have personally avoided to buy any EA games in the last 3 years or so, primarily because DRM.

Which is sad... to be honest there are worst companies than EA. The EA hate train/circlejerk never stops and people take it as a fact over time, I've seen people so against EA that they don't want any EA games running natively on GNU/Linux. I think the hate has gone out of proportions to the point that it's ridiculous, such as winning the worst company in America. Just a note, I'm not saying EA didn't do anything wrong, they did their share of horrible mistakes.

Origin is no different than Steam. I actually like Origin client more than Steam and I feel it's more responsive as well. Then again that's just me.

This article more or less sums up my thoughts.
I do agree that things were blown out of proportion there. I actually read a letter from EA themselves where they were quite good at putting things into perspective regarding this.

However, the DRM schemes they used on some games really put a sour taste in my mouth. Ubisoft also had some pretty bad DRM but they seem to have done a complete turn around on that.
Really? Wow, I can think of other companies worse than EA...
Since most of their "big" games are Battlefield, Sims, Dragon Age, Need for Speed, Dead Space, Medal of Honor, etc
I havn't purchased very many. I did purchase that Origin's Humble Bundle, but EA only made about $6 off of me.

I was browsing their games right now and there are a bunch of Valve games too. What was Valve thinking?

Who makes the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games?

I will vote for Verizon as the worst company of the year. They have been ripping me off all year with a contract I didn't want.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown is now available on Steam for Linux and Steam OS!!!!! As of today. Also the Summer Sale has begun. Now go buy the game. It is on sale for a few more hours. Don't miss the sale or TUX will spank you. :p
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Messed up? How? I've played Mass Effect 1 and loved it!
Can't wait to start Mass Effect 2 and then 3
Messed up? How? I've played Mass Effect 1 and loved it!
Can't wait to start Mass Effect 2 and then 3

Mass Effect 3 had a lot of flak a years ago. I still remember all the hate haha.

1) The decisions you took didn't affect the ending in any way.
2) The story took quite a lot of heat.

Those were most of the topics talked.
The Mass Effect series went from mysterious horror-like RPG in a sci-fi setting to an all out epic battles kind of trilogy. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as it's done correctly. I think that ME 2 manages to do that well, but not ME 3. There are many plot holes just for the sake of making epic battles, but I don't want to get into spoilers here.

I really liked Sovereign in ME 1. Sovereign is a real Reaper, then we get Harbinger, who throws school yard taunts around like he's a bully from elementary school.
Guess I will find out. I still have to play 2 & 3
I just love how cinematic they are and all the choices you get to make about your character and team.
This is the first I've heard something negative about them.
Didn't you hear about how fans raged a few weeks after the Mass Effect 3 release? Bioware promised something that they couldn't deliver. They promised that your choices would matter in the ending, but whatever choices you made through the game had little impact on the ending. In that regard, Mass Effect 2 is much better.

I think that Mass Effect 1 has the best ending of all the 3 games.
I don't really follow those big AAA game titles. I usually hear about them later on and then try them out when they are on sale. So I didn't hear about the controversy until now.
Either way, I'll be personally finding out.
Kinda sucks, but I see why the community was upset. Allowing your characters and stats continue from one game to the other is a huge benefit, and then not allowing it all to resolve in the last game seems like a bad idea.
http://holdtheline.com/ This community was created during the aftermath of Mass Effect 3. The community was very vocal, and we managed to be heard but not listened to (we even launched protests like sending a lot of letters out to Bioware and so on). The complaints were based on how Bioware promised a ending where your choices really matters, but the choices just represent 3 colours that try to make artificial effects that doesn't really have any difference.

Even with the extended ending the game still doesn't feel complete and Bioware have still not delivered what they promised. Bioware/EA even went on a campaign against people who spoke up against the Mass Effect 3 ending. For some reason, several gaming journalists called us entitled whiny gamers (well of course we feel entitled (and betrayed) when a developer promises something then fails to deliver what they promised, and people bought the game because of what they promised).

Bioware doesn't care about their customers any more. They just see money sacks when they look at their customers, and t hey have no respect for their customers.

This is why I refuse to buy any more Bioware or EA games, and I won't until they come out with an apology and show that they have changed, but I doubt that will happen, because EA have ruined Bioware as they did with all the other developer companies they bought.
Man, thats crazy!
Sad day for AAA games, but there are so many other games to choose from.
This is a great example why I avoid buying games for $50-$60 on release day. I end up waiting a year or longer to buy a game on sale. That way, if I'm dissapointed, then I havn't lost much money.
I would be really upset if my $50 game ended up sucking at the end.
Exactly. I've learned my lesson after Mass Effect 3. If I pay 50$ it better be a damn good game. It should be almost perfect.