Hey Gizmo how goes the big blow?

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by Daniel~, Apr 3, 2023.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    You seem rather badly situated in the new weather spinning across much of if not all of out country.

    Speaking for myself I prefer you and yours keep both feet on the sub basement ground..

    None of those Arial tricks with houses bouncing about .looking for a new home in the sky

    On a more down to Earth and completely stupid note...Patti tells me that the wondrous state of Missouri Has defended your libraries

    Have you ever thought about how wonderful my life would be i you lived in the trailer next to mine?.
    We are more than a bit woodsey but we do still have books even if no one reads them.

    Kidding aside would like to know that you and yours are safely situated And at lest thinking about moving to Seattle.

    Hey we have a Me George You can visit most anytime he likes!

    Not to mention you'd be at least a thousand miles closer to the great and powerful Thunder Road.

    No tsunamis at 1750 feet
    I have St Helen's personal word that the smoky stuff is a thing of the past.

    And surly you realize that this is just a song with no real fault lines to back it up!

    Well hardy any...

    Day after day, more people come to L.A.
    Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
    Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
    Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
    Do you know the swim? You better learn quick, Jim.
    Those who don't know how to swim, better sing the hymn.
    Tuna at the bowl. Fine fillet o' much soul.
    Whoo! Whoo! What can we do with a bushel of wet gold?

    Day after day, more people come to L.A.
    Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
    Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
    Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.

    Where can we go when there's no San Diego?
    Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.

    Do you know the swim? You better learn quick, Jim.
    Those who don't know how to swim, better sing the hymn.
    Tuna at the bowl. Fine fillet o' much soul.
    Whoo! Whoo! What can we do with a bushel of wet gold?
    Day after day, more people come to L.A.
    Ssh! Don't you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
    Where can we go when there's no San Francisco?
    Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
    Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho
    (repeat to fade)
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
  2. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    I lost part of the roof I put on the garage last year, but it was just due to high straight winds, not a tornado or anything like that.

    As for Seattle, eh, no. ;) Too many crazy folks, too close. Same reason I don't live in Kansas City, or St. Louis, or Tulsa, or hell, even Springfield Mo. Truth be told, even Joplin/Webb City is getting bigger than I care for.

    As for the Missouri Library thing, well, yeah, but even a broken clock is right at least once/day.

    "Folks be losin' they minds."
  3. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Also, just so everyone is aware, yesterday we were running the air conditioner.

    Today, we are running the heater.

    We experience all four seasons here in southwest Missouri, sometimes all in the same day.
  4. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Would I ask you to live in Seattle? NEVER!

    I want you you to live in a trailer at 1750 ft elev.

    Barely any snow this year. worst in 6 years was three years ago when we had 4 ft. that would melt a bit then replenish itself..

    Really so glad the twisters have forgotten where you live, Patti worries about you when the winds are up.

    Guess what came in the mail yesterday I kid you not!
    It had a "Delivered to wrong address" message on it and was complacently unopened!

    Season 4 has finally arrived.
    We have a lot of weekenders and summer/winter folks hidden here and there.(We get both kinds) My guess is it laid about in someones mail box before being found and put into ours.

    But this puts you in the clear! Now no one can say you cheeped out on season 4 an only said you sent it.
    I never even mentioned this possibility when asking the post office to investigate, I covered for you Because that's what friends do.":O)

    How are Sue and the family doing, not being bother by postal inspectors I hope.

    I just got some devastating news from Patti.
    For 6 years a half dozen people have
    told both Patti and me that we live at 1750 ft.

    The topographic maps aren't easy to read lots and lots up ups and downs but Patti can be meticulous and is now certain that we are at 500 feet. Patti ruins everything!!
    Where formally I was a mountain man now I'm just a hill hopper!
    I'll understand if you no longer wish to live in the trailer next to mine..I'll think less of you, but I will understand

    Hell! you probably live at a higher elevation than I do!!

    Me George lives in Seattle and he's probably lives higher than I do. I once owned land that had a 300 ft hill on it!
    "the mountains are laid low and become the plains"
    To think I lost 1200 feet in elevation in a single day. Patti says her ears are popping all day since she learned the truth....(Servers her right the hill hopper!)

    No wonder they can't reach me with the mail!

    Please do keep a weather eye out as they say. would it be out of the question to dig a shelter? \

    Lots of folks do and live to help those who didn't.
    hey I lost 12000 feet just to avoid an avalanche maybe you could could do your part and and loose 12 feet to shelter in?

    I trust your judgement.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
  5. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Sorry about your roof
  6. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Twisters are a funny thing. You hear about them all the time, and for certain when they strike they make a mess. But the thing is, the odds of any particular person, or any particular house, being hit by a twister are pretty low. I would say you probably have better odds of being in a hurricane in Florida.

    Glad to hear it. I was getting ready to buy another one to send you. Now I can save that money for something else. ;)

    Doing fine, TFA

    We actually are at almost exactly 1000 feet here.

    It's a thought, but the ground is so soggy here during the spring that we'd have to snorkel to get into the shelter.
  7. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Your an Engineer!
    I'm sure you can puzzle your way into a hole in the ground!
    Put the hole in your upstairs living quarters, nice and dry!

    Then while the tornado is looking for you in your swampy back yard you can be upstairs planing your move to ...what is in truth a miserable bunch of bumps, lumps and snow covered gofer mounds. pretending to be mountains. But you have a trailer all your own right next to all my own.

    1000 ft OMG do you get nose bleeds?
    Did I ever mention that I use to live at 1750 ft.?

    "life is hard then you die, then they bring you back and then you die again. Modern medicine!

    Patti wants to know the lead and zink content of your water. She says web city was made of these.
    She says they are bad for you, maybe worse than a tornado.
    No rush but I'm pretty sure you'll see a better return if you sell you house before entertaining any tornados a lot of backward people simply will not buy a house than has had tornadoes in it

    I'm sure you will come to a wise decision!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2023
  8. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Well, when the glaciers all melt, it'll only be about 500 ft. :D

    Well, look at it this way: when the glaciers all melt, you'll have prime beach-front real-estate. :rolling:

    Honestly, I try not to think about it too much. She's right, this was a big lead and zinc mining area (one of the forms of lead is called Galena, after which the town of Galena, Ks. is named, which is just a few miles from me). The mines are all played out, but we still have a lot of the tailing piles laying around the area. Pitcher, Ok. is a federal Superfund site as a result of the tailing piles and other mining detritus.

    Our water meets the federal guidelines for water safety, for what that's worth: https://dnrservices.mo.gov/ccr/MO5010844.pdf

    Also, when the glaciers all melt, it probably won't matter that much anyway. (Noticing a pattern here? :D)
  9. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    About 250 ft above the Puget Sound here. Don't miss "Back East" weather at all, tbh. Whoo!

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