The Linux Kernel is Bloated and Sad

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by ThunderRd, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. ThunderRd

    ThunderRd Irreverent Query Chairman Staff Member

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  2. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    So little hope of his ever understanding why we hate him!
    if he lasts three months in office, we will have shamed our nation before the entire world.
    If he last beyond that America will be abandoned as one of the lights of this world.

    We will be only a memory, where once stood a towering welcome to those most in need.
    "Give to me you tired your poor and huddled masses"
    America will go into a darkness that no longer knows from whence she came.

    No longer stands in protective grace against the tyrants of this world.
    How will our children ever forgive us?
  3. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    While the Linux kernel may, that's may be bloated, the poor wunnerful man in the pic suffers from tiny hands. Que lastima!
  4. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    The Little man worries to much about his hands, his hands are really quite normal, they simply failed to bloat as the rest of him swells. Now the poor thing can no longer get in touch with himself and blames his hands for what is missing in heart. Points with his finger towards what is missing in his mind.

    We now have 6 known Russian collaborators in Trumps inner circle... and one very paranoid Pres.
    I give him two more months tops. Then comes the trial of the century.
    Will he wear his make-up in court?
    Will his Judge be Mexican in origins?
    Will she be considered grab-able?

    Will anyone laugh when he puts his hand on a Bible?
    Will the Bible burn his flesh?
    Will Jews Muslims Blacks or Women be allowed on his Jury?

    Will they be prejudiced by those pathetic little hands of his trying to cover the naked truth of himself?

    What to do with our first treasonous President and the gang of thugs he has appointed to rule over us?
  5. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Unfortunately Mr Pence will become prez if the Donny Drumf is impeached. The Republicans like him much more than Trump. After him? That delightful Mr Ryan, a little twisted nightmare if I ever saw one. We are screwed.
    The rest of the world stopped seeing us as anything good many years ago. Most feared? That's us.
  6. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Who says we can't impeach his entire admin? ":O}
  7. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Perhaps---but then we would live in a sane world. Last time I checked there was very, very little sanity left in the American body politic.
  8. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    While Revolution comes in it's own time..., When it comes, it comes to correct the very situation you describe.
    We are old guys. Old guys have a hard time believing just how much the world can change. or how fast..
    Stay centered in the middle way as I think our world is about to change in more ways than can be counted.

    The Arctic is melting at twice the rate of our most alarming commuter models fore told. If we stopped everything right now, we would still lose 95% of our coral reefs in the next one hundred years...a single human lifetime!. We are standing now upon the precipice of unprecedented global Change.

    But the truth is we have already stepped off. And no man nor woman can say how, when or where we will land.

    This is not Revolution as it does not complete a cycle, it does not bring what was previously active in the cycle into a greater harmony, The Goal of Revolution in nature as well as in sociality.

    Rather it will break countless organic cycles eons in their collective progress, uncounted in the generations striving towards refinement, a closer harmony. We have pulled the plug on on entire can that end well?

    Sorry just watched a climate change show, I try to keep myself entertained with the injunction,
    "This to shall pass" or perhaps a bit more honesty, We to shall pass.
  9. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    They removed the stent that they put in my abdomen two weeks ago today. Glad that I'm done with surgery, tbh, Mongo not like.
    Quite unhappy stomach but them's the breaks I suppose.
    So true, I'm a Member of the olde phart's association now. That's ok, I earned my way here. You're right, humanity crossed the line to extinction before we were smart or learned enough to know it was there.

    I'm one depressed individual, but I think humanity richly deserves its fate. OK, OK, it's more honest to say that I richly deserve my fate. The ecology of the world is changing so fast now that it's probably true to say that it'll all be a surprise now. Perhaps not good surprises to come? Safe bet, that.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2017
  10. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    This to shall pass.":O}
  11. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Hate to rain on the gloom and doom parade here, but to paraphrase Mark Twain "The rumors of the death of the human species are greatly exaggerated".

    Have we spoiled our environment? Yup, no two ways about it.
    Will the environment recover? Eventually, but it will take on the order of several hundred if not thousand years.
    Will we have to make some adjustments? Absolutely. To paraphrase Locutus of Borg "Our lives, as they have been, are over."
    Are a lot of people going to die because of this? Before we finally figure all of this stuff out, probably so.

    Are we going to go extinct? Not a chance, IMO.

    Look, we've had the capability to completely obliterate the planet for the better part of 4 decades, and we've managed not to yet. I actually find that hopeful. We are starting to grasp that we not only have an impact on the environment, but we also have a role IN it. I also find that hopeful.

    While I realize it is currently the fashionable thing to predict the demise of humanity, people keep forgetting one thing; humans are survivors. We do it better than almost any other species.

    Why do I say that? Well, I mean look at us! We've no natural weapons worth a damn, our skin is relatively soft, and we've basically no fur to protect us from the weather. We've a terrible sense of smell, and an only slightly better sense of hearing (although our eyesight is pretty good). Our bodies require protein from meat that we aren't equipped to hunt, but need more calories and nutrients in an average day than we can normally acquire by eating nothing but vegetation. By all rights, we should have died out AT LEAST 100,000 years ago if not more. We should be nothing more than an evolutionary footnote; a failed experiment. And yet here we are.

    So no, I don't think we are going to go extinct, but things ARE going to get tough for a while.
  12. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Come to think of it, how do you rain on a gloom and doom parade? I like Gizmo's optimism, gosh knows I need as much optimism as possible. It's Friday, let the sun shine in!
  13. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    When the optimist among us has only, "Well we haven't bl;own it up !" to encourage us...Maybe I need to dig a deeper hole! ":O}

    It's kinda a matter of perspective...yes?
    When I die...I'm taking you all with me.. I'm shutting down the solar system that was my home, but needed no more. Then with great appreciation for all they did for me I'll turn out the stars.

    and be no more.

    Extinction is a part of the natural process. I feel we each get a taste of it when we die.... "What dreams may come", we die to this world and this world dies to us, one by one or all at once or the very last to say good bye it's all the same to the one who is dying.
    Do the dead keep a calendar? (sorry just a random thought jumping out at me.

    As for death I see only three possibilities.
    Dead is dead. Complete dissipation in time and space. In which case there shall be no "Me" to fret or approve or disapprove, to grow discontent or express joy.cessation, terminus. Only the living are privileged with a fear of death. The Dead are no more.

    The Second is just a bit more popular "depending on the way that you feel that you've lived."
    An eternal cycle of incarnation and reincarnation. One moves up and down the evolutionary scale determined by past deeds. The end goal often seen as achieving the first option, that is not having to live though all this again. Cessation, Terminus, but a death a million life times in the making.

    The finale option I feel shows the most imagination. Judgment. A divine reckoning. Another incarnation, but with a residence in Heaven.

    AS I have ponderer these options over a lifetime it has come to me that what ever is to come for me Has already come for every living thing no longer upon this Earth.I go the way of Geronimo, Gandhi and Brear Rabbit. What became of them will become of me...How bad could that be?
  14. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

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    I was giving Gizmo credit beyond "we haven't blown ourselves up yet." I truly need optimism, it doesn't come naturally, which is all my fault.

    Undergoing surgery tends to focus one on that old "it won't last forever" truth. The Beyond is a mystery, but I'll bet we know it when we see it!
  15. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    People often reach for hope when a bit of Clarity will do. we were never meant to be be the personification of perfection. We were built to struggle, even to battle with the truths we find, yet further on find we still do not have. The I-Ching along with many another source has said:

    "No man knows himself, it is only by the fruits of his actions can he know if his acts lead to good or ill."

    If this is so...Then no man is in a position to judge himself and judgment is reserved only for one's acts. Have they led to good or ill.

    Long ago I a read a talk by Wilhelm. He was speaking (Among other things) about the primacy of the unconscious. How our habits often entrap us, making action outside of the habituated "Seem" Impossible.
    We think and re think the same dreary thoughts about our selfs and our world. We automatically rehearse our deepest and our worst fears...until they create an UN-natural reality for each of us..

    Slowly our minds fill with anger pain and fear. We grow to afraid to take on what we have, in our own view, always been. We create a home within ourselves for "the demon of external validation."

    The need to have the worlds approval....rather than our own. The internal need to have the external world tell us who,how and what we are. We constantly make comparisons that can only be false. For If I can not know's a cinch, I can not know others in their inner most being.

    So when we seek to make progress, this built-in system of self rejection, this endless litany of self criticism springs into action releasing the demon to crush our efforts. Reminding of and predicting failure. In this area, men of accomplishment, men who are quite successful are also often the most tormented.

    So! How can men and women break free of what has been accepted for decades by one's own unconscious mind as the truth of ourselves, but in reality is not a part of ourselves, but was taken into our selfs in our efforts to please this world of lies. To fit in with what others think and do.

    When we seek our freedom, we must expect to battle all that enslaves a man or a women.
    We must face and fight our demon. He never comes in the hour of our strength, but awaits always our moment of weakness.He speaks to that part of us that fears , after so many years of darkness, to step once more into the light.
    But we are not commended to servitude!

    For there is one time and one place in which our conscience mind can rain supreme over every voice of doubt that came upon us in our innocence and our sin that now lives within us.

    We can lay siege and capture completely the only territory that matters! We can gain control of blind impulse, we can begin to rise above. all that went before.

    For it is the "Me" the "I" that meets the "Here and now" When we become aware in the moment of the moment we begin to separate ourselves from unconscious and defective thinking. Such thinking is more an emotional emoting than a clear sighted effort to gain a new understanding.

    We can be supreme because we can control our thoughts and actions in the moment. In the now.

    But there's a catch. It is the unguarded moment in which the unconscious asserts it's self. In which the "Other" passes judgment. So in order to make real progress we must be ready to face and do battle at any time day or night!

    We must adopt a warriors mind set and a monks tender devotion. As we bring more and more of our moments into conciseness we give more and more light to what lays waiting for us in the dark.

    "That which was enclosed in the dark and now opens in and to the light,...
    this is consciousness."
  16. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Hope and charity? Hope for clarity? Daniel, you are so deep most of the time, this makes it extremely difficult to rebut or argue with most of what you write. Clarity sounds good, hope just might lead me down an incorrect, as in too difficult a rut to really deal with. And my eyesight isn't improving.
  17. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Have you tried reading my posts twice? ":O}

    "Who ever said that truth is simple, was a simple man."

    "The whole world loves the simple.The whole of this world loves the easy."

    "Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free. Tis a gift to come down to where we ought to be"...When true simplicity is gained, to bow and to bend we will not be ashamed
    Till by turning turning we come round right, and we are in the valley of love and delight.""
    (Tis a gift to be simple, author unknown to me.)

    The simple is unadorned. The simple strips itself down to only that which is essential.

    So here's my last post all stripped down.

    We can change! We can do this as the conscience mind exists in the now. The now where every thing that is done gets done.

    By clinging to the now we capture the right moment in which to act and in acting rightly we can turn that moment to our advantage. We can free ourselves of of doubt and hesitation.

    We can become simple men and simple women. Simple people live in the now and the now supports their simplicity for it is only ever in the now that simplicity expresses itself.

    When we become a part of "now" we become a part of what always is. "Now" always is.

    Think of my posts as pieces of a puzzle. They won't make a lot of sense until they are properly arranged.

    Proper arrangement, alas falls to my poor readership.":O}
  18. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

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    Yes, my "readership" is sometimes not willing to really slow down and think about your posts. My bad. Slowing down to achieve the now is more important than I realize, too much of the time.
    "Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free" is a song often sung by "church" type folk. More wisdom than I realized in that ditty.
  19. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    It was most assuredly
    a simple man deep into his simple song
    The now is always simple. The now is always present.
    Nothing and nobody stops the now.

    To ally yourself with the now, to devote yourself to being present,
    to being as fully aware of the moment as the moment allows you to be
    is find the path leads to knowledge. All real knowledge is knowledge of the now.

    All of science is the study in the now of what is now..or was now. We gain predictive abilities not by looking ahead, but by looking now and seeing how now arises our of the present to remain in the now.

    Helpful;l hint # 1789053

    If you are bored it is because you have abandon the now to listen to the baby cry or the child yelling his demands or your own personal superman boasting of his strength.
    It's because you left the now to listen to your own story endlessly repeated To ward off the unpredictable truth of the now with it's outrageous demand upon our attention!

    After all what's so great about now?
    To which one might answer: is the only gate way to reality. All that other stuff is just your idea of you and your world and can be safely left behind. No need to think about a world that is always present always available to be experienced.
    Experience the world directly and understanding comes from it's contemplation. With understanding thought structures itself to reflect what is seen.

    The moment we only think about is already gone.Passed. Dry fruit without the juices of life.

    The moment we contemplate leaves us open and in the now, for thought structure that arise out of the now
    binds us to reality which means we go with the time. Thoughts seek a static reality about which things can be said.

    Contemplation merges with reality about which nothing can be said. ":O}
  20. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Perfect post, thank you Daniel. If other means of "stopping the world" aren't handy--whatever they might be--"Aumm" works!

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